Laguna Hotel
Port Moresby
Papua New Guinea
1.1 | Opening, Welcome |
1.2 | Introductions, Course Overview |
1.3 | Papua New Guinea Tsunami Early Warning System - Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response; End user response upon receiving tsunami warning message |
1.4 | Responding Rapidly and Effectively: Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response Requirements – Stakeholders and their needs, Roles and Responsibilities, Standard Operating Procedures, and their linkages |
2.1 | What earthquake science you need to know to warn for and respond to tsunami warnings? Earthquake Seismology - what, how, when, and damage earthquake causes, etc |
2.2 | What tsunami science you need to know to warn for and respond to tsunami warnings? Tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation - what, how, when, impact, damage, and mitigating impact |
2.3 | Pacific and Papua New Guinea Tsunami Hazard |
2.4 | Lessons Learned from Past Tsunamis, Papua New Guinea experience: Wewak (2002), Japan (2011), PNG (2018) |
2.5 | Lessons Learned from Past Tsunamis - International experience: Samoa/South Pacific (2009), Chile (2010), Japan (2011), Recent Atypical Tsunamis (Kaikoura 2016, Palu 2018, Krakatau 2018) |
3.1 | Tsunami Warning Center (TWC) Overview: What do TWCs do? What do TWCs provide to Tsunami Emergency Response (TER) agencies? Challenges in Detection and Tsunami Threat Assessment |
3.2 | SOPs and Checklists: TWC operations templates - Distant and Local Tsunamis examples for Monitoring, Detection and Evaluation, Communications, Message Dissemination (IOC MG 76) |
3.3 | Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC): Crisis Event SOPs: Earthquake and Sea Level Monitoring (Data networks and acquisition, quality-control/health status), Earthquake Analysis Methods, Threat Analysis, Forecasting, Products, Dissemination; Routine Operations SOPs: Quality Control and redundancy, contingency and backup (PTWC Operations, Systems and Procedures Manual |
3.4 | PTWC Enhanced Products - Why, What, Criteria, Staging of Products; Explanation of Each Product: Public Text, Graphical Deep-Ocean Tsunami Amplitude, Coastal Tsunami Amplitude, Coastal Tsunami Amplitude Polygons, Tsunami Amplitude Statistics, Coastal Tsunami Amplitude KMZ file (IOC TS 105, rev 2) |
3.5 | Tsunami Hazard Scenarios around the Pacific - Understanding PTWC Enhanced Products |
3.6 | JMA NWPTAC Enhanced Products - Why, What, Criteria, Staging of Products; Explanation of Each Product (IOC TS 142) |
3.7 | NTWC and TER Guidance on how to use PTWC and JMA Enhanced Products for National Warnings and Evacuation - Land and Marine Threats and Public Safety: Flow Charts, Criteria Tables, Timeline-driven SOPs, Message Templates (IOC MG 76) |
4.1 | Tsunami Emergency Response (TER) Overview: What do TER agencies provide to the Public? Challenges in Alerting, Evacuation, Safe-to-Return (All-Clear), and Preparedness |
4.2 | Emergency communications - Robustness, reliability, redundancy. Technologies for the downstream transmission of warnings to communities. PNG Communications and Challenges (discussion) |
4.3 | Local-Source Tsunami Response Best Practice (approved at ICG/PTWS-XXVIII, 2019) |
4.4 | SOPs and Checklists: TER operations - Example Warning Plans for Coordination of Information Flow and Evacuation (IOC MG 76) |
4.5 | Learning Activity - Timeline-driven SOPs - Who does What, and When (Roles and Responsibilities)? (break out groups) |
4.6 | Learning Activity - Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response - What happens during an event? (individual, discuss after lunch) |
5.1 | Implementing Tsunami Ready (TR) programs to recognize community readiness - Pacific guidelines |
5.2 | Tsunami Evacuation Planning: Inundation and Evacuation Maps (IOC MG 82) |
5.3 | Tsunami Evacuation Planning: Response Plans, Awareness/Education and Exercises (IOC MG 82, IOC MG 58 rev 2) |
5.4 | Building preparedness: Tsunami Education and Drills in Schools |