Institute of Meteorolgoy and Water Management
Waszyngtona 42
81-342 Gdynia
1 | Background information why TT-DMVOS/TT-MOCS exist |
2 | Terms of Reference |
3 | CM Questionnaire |
4 | Role of GCCs & RMs in a Modernised Data Flow |
5 | Revised VOSClim Data Flow |
6 | Review & Discuss a Suitable Data Storage for Delayed-mode and Real- time Data |
7 | Higher Quality Control Standards (HQCS) |
8 | Changes to MQCS-V |
9 | Comparison of IMMA and IMMT |
10 | Update/timescales of working plan items not discussed |
11 | AOB (TT-DMVOS) |
12 | TT-MOCS |