Intersessional Meeting of ICG/IOTWMS Steering Group

14 - 15 July 2022,


1. Opening
1.1 Welcome by Head of Secretariat for IOC-UNESCO IOTWMS
1.2 Opening Address and Report by Chair ICG/IOTWMS Steering Group
2. Secretariat Report
3. TT TWO Report
4. TT DMP Report
5. SC-ODTP Report
6. IOTIC Report
7. Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness in the Indian Ocean (2018) Recommendations
8. UNESCAP Project Report
9. WG1 Tsunami Risk, Community Awareness & Preparedness Report & Recommendations
10. WG2 Tsunami Detection, Warning & Dissemination Report & Recommendations
11. Regional-WG NWIO Report & Recommendations
12. Task Team Scientific Tsunami Hazard in MSZ Report
13. Task Team on Tsunami Preparedness for a Near-Field Tsunami Hazard Report
14. Recommendations from IOWave20 and planning for IOWave23, including non-seismic tsunamis
15. Developing the Strategic Pathway for the UN Ocean Decade
15. Review and discuss Working Group, Task Team recommendations and input to ICG XIII
16. Future ICG Governance and WG and TT structure
17. IOTIC ToRs
18. Developing the Strategic Pathway and UN Ocean Decade
19. Member State status reporting process
20. Implementing Tsunami Ready in the Indian Ocean Workshop in Bali
21. ICG/XIII in Bali planning
22. World Tsunami Awareness Day 2022 planning
23. Other business
24. Closing remarks