Fourth Session of the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology

23 - 31 May 2012,

South Korea


1 Opening of the Session
2 Organization of the Session
2.1 Consideration of the report on credentials
2.2 Adoption of the agenda
2.3 Establishment of committees
2.4 Other organizational matters
3 Report by the co-Presidents of the Commission
4 Review of decisions of the governing bodies of WMO and IOC related to the Commission
5 Scientific and operational requirements
5.1 GOOS-GCOS requirements for climate observations
5.2 Operational requirements and WMO Rolling Review of Requirements
5.3 Requirements for integrated data products
5.4 Climate services
5.5 Others
6 In-situ and satellite observing systems
6.1 JCOMM OPA implementation goals
6.2 Instruments and methods of observation
6.3 Coordinated technical support for observing programmes
6.4 Future priority for the Observation Programme Area (OPA)
7 Data management, including information systems and data exchange
7.1 Standard setting and documentation
7.2 Marine climatology, including new Marine Climate Data System
7.3 Data management practices
7.4 WIS and designation of DCPCs
7.5 Future priority for the Data Management Programme Area (DMPA)
8 Marine meteorological and oceanographic services and forecasting systems
8.1 Forecasting systems and services
8.2 Supports for disaster risk reduction, particularly in coastal zones
8.3 Safety-related marine meteorological services
8.4 Quality management
8.5 Future priority for the Services and Forecasting Systems Programme Area (SFSPA)
9 Capacity development and technology transfer
10 Review of technical regulations of interest to the Commission, including guides and other technical publications
11 Relationship with other programmes and bodies
11.1 Programmes and bodies of WMO and IOC
11.1.1 Other WMO Technical Commissions and programmes
11.1.2 Other IOC programmes
11.2 Organizations and bodies
11.2.1 UN system agencies
11.2.2 Non-UN system organizations and programmes
11.2.3 Industry and commerce
11.2.4 Other
12 JCOMM programme and planning
12.1 WMO and IOC Strategic Planning and the JCOMM Strategy
12.2 Future work programme and operating plan
12.3 Review of previous resolutions and recommendations of the Commission and of relevant resolutions from the governing bodies of WMO and IOC
12.4 Establishment of groups and Expert Teams and nomination of rapporteurs
12.5 Date and place of the fifth session
13 Scientific and technical workshop - Improving Marine and Ocean Data Products for Science and Society: the Role of JCOMM
14 Election of officers
15 Closure of the session