9th session of the JCOMM Management Committee

13 - 16 September 2011,

World Meteorological Organization
7bis, avenue de la Paix
Case Postale 2300

1211 Geneva


1 Organization of the Session
1.1 Opening
1.2 Adoption of the Agenda
1.3 Working Arrangements
2 Reports by Co-Presidents and Secretariats
3 Programme Preparation for JCOMM-IV
3.1 Guidance and Requirements from WMO-IOC Governing Bodies
3.2 Programme Areas: Deliverables, Recommendations and Future Actions
3.3 Cross-Cutting Activities within JCOMM
4 JCOMM Deliverables and Recommendations associated with Collaborative Programmes, Projects and Activities
4.1 Participation in and Collaboration with WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS), WMO Information System (WIS) and IOC/IODE Ocean Data Portal (ODP)
4.2 Maritime Safety Services
4.3 Marine and Coastal Hazards
4.4 Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)
4.5 Deliverables and Recommendations for Scientific and Technical Development
4.6 Support for Technology Transfer and Capacity Development
5 Strategic and Structural Issues for JCOMM-IV
5.1 JCOMM Structure and related management issues
5.2 Personnel for next intersessional period
5.3 JCOMM Collaboration with IOC-WMO and External Programmes, Projects, and Regional Bodies
5.4 JCOMM Strategy and Operating Plan
6 Logistical preparation for JCOMM-IV
6.1 Agenda, Annotated Agenda and Documentation Plan
6.2 Structure of the JCOMM-IV Session
7 Any other business
8 Closure of the Session