Eje 2 Ote. Tramo Heroíca Escuela Naval Militar Núm. 861. Col. Los Cipreses, Del. Coyoacán Distrito Federal CP. 04830
1 | Session 1 : Opening |
1.1 | Opening Ceremonies |
1.2 | Logistics and Administrative Items |
1.3 | Regional Partner Support to the ICG/CARIBE-EWS Tsunami Early Warning System - Centro de Coordinación para la Prevención de los Desastres Naturales en América Central (CEPREDENAC) |
2 | Session 2: |
2.1 | Course Overview |
2.2 | End-to-End Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response – Overview |
2.3 | End-to-end Tsunami Warning – Stakeholders, Roles and Responsibilities, Standard Operating Procedures, and their linkages |
2.4 | Lessons Learned from Past Tsunamis - Warning and Emergency Response |
3.1 | Country Presentations (Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua) - 10 min/country |
3.2 | Discussion: Challenges for achieving end-to-end TWS: Data, Resources, Communication, Stakeholders, Coordination, Evacuation |
4 | DAY 2: SESSION 4 |
4.1 | Earthquake Seismology for Tsunami Warning - nomenclature, faulting, magnitude |
4.2 | Tsunami Science for Tsunami Warning - generation, propagation, impact |
4.3 | Caribbean Tsunami Hazards - historical and paleotsunami records |
4.4 | IOC Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions |
4.5 | Tsunami Warning Centre Standard Operating Procedures – Concept of Operations, Overview on Routine and Event Operations, Flow Charts, Timelines, Checklists |
4.6 | ICG/CARIBE-EWS International Tsunami Warning Centers - PTWC Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Monitoring and Detection of Earthquakes and Tsunamis, Evaluation of Tsunami Threat, Forecasting, Types of Products, and Message Dissemination |
4.7 | Tsunami Emergency Response Standard Operating Procedures - Overview on Stakeholder Roles and Coordination, Event Operations, Timelines, Checklists |
4.8 | Case Study: Warning Dissemination and Public Alerting – Authoritative agencies, media, and the public – US Emergency Alert System, Hawaii example |
4.9 | Case Study: Warning Dissemination and Public Alerting – Authoritative agencies, media, and the public – JMA-NHK Warning Dissemination |
4.10 | Tsunami Exercises: Types, Guidance, International Examples |
4.11 | Learning Activity (individual followed by group discussion) – Official and Unofficial Information |
4.12 | Tsunami Warning Decision Support Tools: Earthquake and Sea Level Monitoring, PTWC SMS Alerts, Historical Databases, Tsunami Travel Time Calculation. (Installation and Training as needed during unscheduled times) |
4.13 | Emergency communications - Robustness, reliability, redundancy. Technologies for the downstream transmission of warnings to communities |
4.14 | Tsunami preparedness: International Perspectives and Examples |
4.15 | Tsunami preparedness in the Caribbean: Exercise CARIBEWAVE 2014, Caribbean TsunamiSmart, and other examples |
4.16 | Public Coastal Evacuations: Inundation Modeling, Evacuation Maps, Routes and Signage, Safe Return |
4.17 | Vertical Evacuation and Refuge: Progress in Designing Tsunami-Resistant Structures |
4.18 | Learning Activities (individual followed by group discussion) – Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response Timeline - What happens when?, Frequently-asked Questions |
4.19 | TWC Operations Challenges and Limitations: Real-time earthquake source characterization and Tsunami Assessment |
4.20 | TER Operations Challenges and Limitations: Rapid Alerting and Evacuation |
5 | Session 5: PTWC Proposed New Enhanced Products |
5.1 | PTWC Proposed ICG/CARIBE-EWS Enhanced Products: Overview - Why, What, When and How to Use, Limitations |
5.2 | PTWC Proposed ICG/CARIBE-EWS Enhanced Products: Discussion and Feedback |
6.1.1 | DAY 4: SESSIONS 6 - TWC, 7 |
6.1.2 | Real-time Earthquake Source Characterization - Advanced Topics, such as W-phase Centroid Moment Tensors, Finite Fault Rupture, Slow Earthquakes, Great and Gigantic Earthquakes |
6.1.3 | Tsunami Assessment - Advanced Topics, such as Travel Time and Wave Forecasting including Techniques, Use and Limitations |
6.1.4 | Creating Timeline-driven SOPs - How to Guidance, Explanation of Warning Center Templates for Distant and Local Threats, Flow Charts and Checklists. |
6.1.5 | SOP Breakout Groups: Using Templates to Develop Timeline of Processes and Actions (Criteria for Action, Messages, Checklists, Information Dissemination, Media Information) |
6.1.6 | Breakout Groups (cont'd) |
6.2.1 | MORNING: TER SESSION TER Special Topics, SOP Development |
6.2.2 | Community-level preparedness and education – Schools, Businesses, Special Needs Populations, Tourism Sector, Ports and Harbors |
6.2.3 | Small Group Exercise - Evacuation Mapping |
6.2.4 | Tsunami Emergency Response – Local Tsunami Threat – Wakayama, Japan Case Study |
6.2.5 | Creating Timeline-driven SOPs - How to Guidance, Explanation of Response Templates for Distant and Local Threats, Flow Charts and Checklists |
6.2.6 | SOP Breakout Groups: Using Templates to Develop General Roles and Responsibilities and Timeline of Processes and Actions (Criteria for Action, Evacuation Checklists, Information Dissemination, Media Information) |
6.2.7 | Breakout Groups (cont'd) |
7 | MORNING: PLENARY Tsunami Exercise, Post-Exercise Evaluation |
7.1 | Exercise Set-up according to Stakeholder Warning and Response Groups |
7.2 | CARIBE-EWS Tsunami Exercise - PTWC messages |
7.3 | Post-Exercise Evaluation - Report Preparation Guidance |
7.4 | Post-Exercise Evaluation - Report Preparation |
7.5 | Post-Exercise Evaluation Hotwash – Comments, Problems, Improvements |
7.6 | Toward Building National and Regional Capabilities - Summary Discussion and Next Steps |
8 | Presentation of Certificates, Closing Ceremony |