First Session of the Tropical Pacific Observing System, 2020 Steering Committee

06 - 09 October 2014,

Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
787 Haeanlo

South Korea

Annotated Agenda

1 Opening and Introductions
1.1 Welcome from Co-Chairs and Local Hosts
1.2 Introductions from SC Members
1.3 Logistics
1.4 Documentation
2 Agenda
2.1 Desired outcomes of the meeting
2.2 Adopt/modify agenda for meeting
3 Background and SC Terms of Reference
3.1 TPOS Workshop
3.2 TPOS 2020 Project Outline and Scope
3.3 TPOS 2020 Project SC Terms of Reference
4 Overview of Scientific Issues/Questions
4.1 Scientific Rationale: Issue, Questions
4.2 Round-the-Table: #1 Issue; #1 Opportunity
5 Key Challenges
5.1 ENSO Modelling and assimilation challenges
5.1.1 Scientific Presentation #1: ENSO and it's diversity- what we do/do not know
5.1.2 ENSO Prediction
5.1.3 What are the Targets of Ocean Model Development
5.1.4 The coupled system: Physical Parameterization and Key Processes
5.1.5 Discussion: Agree on approach, possibly including links to external groups
5.2 Broadscale Sampling, etc
5.2.1 Scientific Presentation #2: Integration of Remote Sensing and approach to cal/val
5.2.2 How: Recap broadscale strategy (spatial, temporal scales)
5.2.3 Why: Scientific rationale and desired impact
5.2.4 Status: What works well; less well; opportunities, risks
5.2.5 What: Argo, SOOP, TAO/TRITON, remote sensing (ALT, SST)
5.2.6 Proposed approach and schedule (TBD):
5.3 Approaches to Observation of Boundary Regions
5.3.1 Eastern Pacific
5.3.2 Western Pacific/Boundary Current Regions
5.3.3 Scientific Presentation #3: 2016 GOE: PIONEER (Pacific and Indian Ocean Network Establishment for global Environment Research)
5.4 Biogeochemistry and Biology
5.4.1 Recap of the main issues and the rationale for systematic Observation
5.4.2 Status of TPOS for biogeochemistry and biology
5.4.3 Options for developing a sustained system
5.5 Diurnal Variability, air-sea fluxes and near-surface dynamics
6 Discussion of Big Challenges and Priorities (Co-Chairs)
7 Review of Recommendations from La Jolla (Co-Chairs)
8 Approach to TPOS 2020 Project
9 Action Plan for 2014-2015
10 Future Agenda for SC