4th workshop

20 - 23 April 2015,

The Studio, Open Labs, lC1 Liverpool Science Park, Liverpool
United Kingdom

Annotated Agenda

1 Opening and Welcome
1.1 Registration
1.2 Welcome & Workshop logistics by Graham Allen/Justin Buck (BODC)
1.3 Workshop aims and objectives by Helen Glaves (ODIP project co-ordinator)
1.4 Introduction by partners (Name, Country, institution, main responsibility, expectations for this workshop)
2 SESSION 1 - ODIP Prototype Development Task 1: plenary
2.1 ODIP 1: aims, activities and progress, Led by Dick Schaap (EU)
2.2 Discussion
2.3 ODIP 1: Impact assessment, Led by Thomas Loubrieu & Dick Schaap
3 SESSION 2 - ODIP Prototype Development Task 2: plenary
3.1 ODIP 2: aims, activities and progress, Led by Bob Arko (USA)
3.1.1 SeaDataNet CSR harvesting and ingestion system, by Anne Che Bohnenstengel (BSH)
3.1.2 Eurofleets II onboard software developments for events and underway data, by Karien de Cauwer (RBINS-BMDC)
3.2 ODIP 2: discussion, Led by Bob Arko
3.3 ODIP 2: Impact assessment, Led by Thomas Loubrieu & Bob Arko
3.4 Updating AUS entries in EDMO
4 ODIP Prototype Development Tasks: working session
5 SESSION 3 - ODIP Prototype Development Tasks: working session
5.1 ODIP 3: aims, activities and progress, Led by Roger Proctor (AUS)
5.1.1 Partners contributions
5.1.2 Invited presentations from EU projects:
5.2 Discussion
5.3 ODIP 3: Impact assessment, Led by Thomas Loubrieu & Roger Proctor
6 SESSION 4 - Vocabularies
6.1 Plenary, Led Simon Cox (AUS), Roy Lowry (EU) and Karen Stocks (USA)
6.2 Reports and updates
6.3 Discussion, Led by Simon Cox
7 ODIP 2: plenary
7.1 ODIP 2 follow-on project proposal
8 SESSION 5 - Data publication and persistent identifiers (data & people)
8.1 Plenary, Led by Cyndy Chandler (USA), Justin Buck (EU) and TBA (Australia)
8.1.1 EU update
8.1.2 AU update
8.1.3 US update
8.2 Discussion, Led by Cyndy Chandler
9 SESSION 6 - Data ingestion
9.1 Plenary, Led by Dick Schaap (EU), TBA (USA), and TBA (Australia)
9.2 EMODnet developments - Plenary, Led by Dick Schaap
10 Topic breakout sessions
10.1 Vocabularies
10.2 Data citation & persistent identifiers
10.3 Data Ingestion
11 SESSION 7 - ODIP prototype development projects
12 Additional topic reports
12.1 Vocabularies
12.2 Data citation/Persistent identifiers
12.3 Data ingestion
13 Plans for final months (including status and planning of deliverables), by Helen Glaves (Co-ordinator)
14 Closing remarks, by Helen Glaves/Dick Schaap