Sixth meeting of the GOOS Steering Committee

11 - 13 September 2017,

James Cook University
149 Sims Drive


Annotated Agenda

1 Opening
2 State of GOOS
3 GOOS Strategy
4 Capacity development
5 Sponsors and partners
5.1 IOC
5.2 WMO
5.3 ICSU
5.4 UN Environment
5.5 G7
6 Review of the work of GOOS structures
6.1 Requirements and evaluation (GOOS Panels)
6.1.1 Physics and Climate panel
6.1.2 Biogeochemistry panel
6.1.3 Biology and Ecosystems panel
6.2 Observations
6.3 Projects
6.3.1 TPOS 2020
6.3.2 DOOS