IOTWMS Steering Group Meeting

16 - 17 December 2020,

Annotated Agenda

1 Opening
2 Secretariat Report
3 Review of Actions
4 Working Group Reports
4.1 WG-1 on Tsunami Risk, Community Awareness and Preparedness
4.2 WG-2 on Tsunami Detection, Warning and Dissemination
4.3 Sub-Regional Working Group for the North West Indian Ocean
5 Tsunami Service Provider Reports
5.1 TSP-Australia
5.2 TSP-India
5.3 TSP-Indonesia
6 Task Team Reports
6.1 Task Team on Scientific Tsunami Hazard Assessment of the Makran Subduction Zone
6.2 Task Team on Tsunami Preparedness for a Near-Field Tsunami Hazard
6.3 Task Team on Exercise Indian Ocean Wave 2020
7 IOTIC Report
8 UNESCAP Makran Project Report
9 ICG Meeting
10 Any Other Business
10.1 IOTWMS Participation in UN Decade of Ocean Science
11 Programme and Budget
12 Review of Actions and Recommendations
13 Closing