Further Challenges for Warnings of Tsunamis

06 - 07 April 2022, no location specified or online event

Annotated Agenda

A.1 Opening and Welcome
A.2 Keynote: Lessons learnt from Tonga 2022 tsunami event
A.2.1 The importance of community awareness and preparedness in the successful response
A.2.2 The evolution of the volcanic erruption
A.2.3 Warning the Tonga community of the resultant tsunami
A.2.4 New Standard Operating Procedures for potential future events in the Pacific
A.2.5 Warning the Pacific Community
A.3 What are the international framework drivers for reducing the risk of tsunamis?
A.4 Lessons learnt from Palu and Sunda Strait 2018 tsunami events
A.5 What are the risks of tsunamis generated by other volcanoes in the Pacific Ocean?
A.6 What are the risks of volcano generated tsunamis in other ocean basins?
A.7 What have we learned from local and indigenous knowledge from previous events?
A.8 Example of a national warning response to the Tonga 20232 tsunami event
A.9 How can at-risk communities be ready for tsunamis generated by non-seismic and complex sources?
A.10 Questions & Answers
A.11 Panel Discussion
B.1 Opening
B.2 Keynote: What are tsunamis generated by non-seismic and complex sources and how do we warn for them?
B.3 What are the stakeholder requirements and international framework drivers for warning of tsunamis?
B.4 Are there other potential events for tsunamis generated by non-seismic and complex sources in the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean
B.5 What do communities require to be able to effectively respond to tsunamis generated by non-seismic and complex sources?
B.6 German-Indonesian Tsunami Risk Project - cooperation on warning for non-seismic tsunamis
B.7 Prof Kyoto Landslide Consortium 2020 and submarine landslide related activities
B.8 New technologies for helping detect and warn for tsunamis generated by non-seismic and complex sources
B.9 Questions & Answers
B.10 Panel Discussion
B.11 Closing
Session A Learning from recent tsunamis generated by non-seismic and complex sources (6 April 2022)
Session B What do we know and need to know to warn for tsunamis generated by non-seismic and complex sources? (7 April 2022)