Thirty Eighth Session of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel

01 - 04 November 2022,

Case Postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva

Annotated Agenda

1 Opening and Welcome (1 Nov)
2 Adoption of the agenda and working arrangements (1 Nov)
3 Scientific and Technical Workshop (Delivering Data for Research, Operations and User Impact) (1 Nov)
4 Getting to know the DBCP (2 Nov)
5 Invited Speeches (2 Nov)
5.1 Impact and value of DBCP observations to users
5.2 Industry dialogues on global ocean observations
5.3 Outcomes of the EOI on deploying wave drifters
6 DBCP and OceanOPS report (2 Nov)
7 National Report (2 Nov)
8 The DBCP Action Groups - challenges, opportunities, risks, success measures and recommendations (2 Nov)
8.1 Global Drifter Programme (GDP)
8.2 International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP)
8.3 WCRP-SCAR International Programme for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB)
8.4 International Buoy Programme for the Indian Ocean (IBPIO)
8.5 International South Atlantic Buoy Programme (ISABP)
8.6 DBCP-PICES North Pacific Data Buoy Advisory Panel (NPDBAP)
8.7 Tropical Moored Buoys Implementation Panel (TIP)
8.8 International Tsunameter Partnership (ITP)
8.9 Surface Marine Programme of the Network of European Meteorological Services, EUMETNET (E-SURFMAR)
8.10 Action Groups - key themes (plenary discussion)
9 The DBCP Task Teams - challenges, opportunities, risks, success measures and recommendations(3 Nov)
9.1 Task Team on Data Management (TT-DM)
9.2 Task Team on Moored Buoys (TT-MB)
9.3 Task Team on Wave Measurements (TT-WM)
9.4 Task Team on Capacity-Building (TT-CB)
9.5 Task Team on Environment Stewardship (TT-ES)
9.6 Vandalism and outreach
9.7 GDAC Coriolis
9.9 Task Teams - key themes (plenary discussion)
10 DBCP Task Teams and Action Groups - What do we need going forward: when, where, how and why (plenary discussion) (3 Nov)
11 Proposed Breakout Discussions (3 Nov)
11.1 Environmental Stewardship (Karen Grissom)
11.2 Demonstrating social economic value of buoy observing network (Sidney Thurston)
11.3 Enhancing inclusivity and diversity in the DBCP community (Qiu Jiang)
12 Strategic Discussions (4 Nov)
12.1 The DBCP strategy - its first year of implementation
12.2 The relevance to the DBCP of
12.2.1 Decisions and forward-looking initiatives of WMO and IOC, including GOOS
12.2.2 GBON, SOFF and the WMO Unified Data Policy (Resolution 1)
12.3 OCG Special Session
12.4 DBCP Executive Board Report
13 Panel Decisions (4 Nov)
13.1 Financial Reports
13.2 Executive Board Summary
14 Election of new DBCP Executive Board members (4 Nov)
15 Review of Actions/Recommendations (4 Nov)
16 Dates and Place for the Next Session (4 Nov)
17 Closure of the Session (4 Nov)