Case Postale 2300
CH-1211 Geneva
1 | Opening and Welcome (1 Nov) |
2 | Adoption of the agenda and working arrangements (1 Nov) |
3 | Scientific and Technical Workshop (Delivering Data for Research, Operations and User Impact) (1 Nov) |
4 | Getting to know the DBCP (2 Nov) |
5 | Invited Speeches (2 Nov) |
5.1 | Impact and value of DBCP observations to users |
5.2 | Industry dialogues on global ocean observations |
5.3 | Outcomes of the EOI on deploying wave drifters |
6 | DBCP and OceanOPS report (2 Nov) |
7 | National Report (2 Nov) |
8 | The DBCP Action Groups - challenges, opportunities, risks, success measures and recommendations (2 Nov) |
8.1 | Global Drifter Programme (GDP) |
8.2 | International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) |
8.3 | WCRP-SCAR International Programme for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB) |
8.4 | International Buoy Programme for the Indian Ocean (IBPIO) |
8.5 | International South Atlantic Buoy Programme (ISABP) |
8.6 | DBCP-PICES North Pacific Data Buoy Advisory Panel (NPDBAP) |
8.7 | Tropical Moored Buoys Implementation Panel (TIP) |
8.8 | International Tsunameter Partnership (ITP) |
8.9 | Surface Marine Programme of the Network of European Meteorological Services, EUMETNET (E-SURFMAR) |
8.10 | Action Groups - key themes (plenary discussion) |
9 | The DBCP Task Teams - challenges, opportunities, risks, success measures and recommendations(3 Nov) |
9.1 | Task Team on Data Management (TT-DM) |
9.2 | Task Team on Moored Buoys (TT-MB) |
9.3 | Task Team on Wave Measurements (TT-WM) |
9.4 | Task Team on Capacity-Building (TT-CB) |
9.5 | Task Team on Environment Stewardship (TT-ES) |
9.6 | Vandalism and outreach |
9.7 | GDAC Coriolis |
9.8 | GDAC MEDS |
9.9 | Task Teams - key themes (plenary discussion) |
10 | DBCP Task Teams and Action Groups - What do we need going forward: when, where, how and why (plenary discussion) (3 Nov) |
11 | Proposed Breakout Discussions (3 Nov) |
11.1 | Environmental Stewardship (Karen Grissom) |
11.2 | Demonstrating social economic value of buoy observing network (Sidney Thurston) |
11.3 | Enhancing inclusivity and diversity in the DBCP community (Qiu Jiang) |
12 | Strategic Discussions (4 Nov) |
12.1 | The DBCP strategy - its first year of implementation |
12.2 | The relevance to the DBCP of |
12.2.1 | Decisions and forward-looking initiatives of WMO and IOC, including GOOS |
12.2.2 | GBON, SOFF and the WMO Unified Data Policy (Resolution 1) |
12.3 | OCG Special Session |
12.4 | DBCP Executive Board Report |
13 | Panel Decisions (4 Nov) |
13.1 | Financial Reports |
13.2 | Executive Board Summary |
14 | Election of new DBCP Executive Board members (4 Nov) |
15 | Review of Actions/Recommendations (4 Nov) |
16 | Dates and Place for the Next Session (4 Nov) |
17 | Closure of the Session (4 Nov) |