IOC-UNESCO EU DG-ECHO CoastWAVE Project Workshop : Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Planning and Implementation for Tsunami Response in NEAM Region

05 - 06 October 2022,

21020 Ispra

Annotated Agenda

1 DAY 1 - Welcome and Overview of the Workshop
2 Logistics
3 Effective End to End TWS
3.1 Overview of End-to-end TWS
3.2 Generic Roles and Responsibilities of TSP
3.3 NTWC SOP Development
4 National to Local Tsunami Warning Chain and SOPs
4.1 The roles and responsibilities of EMA
4.2 TER and SOP Development for EMA
4.3 Designing Tsunami Warnings and Evacuations: What Expert Stakeholders and the Public Should Know?
5 IOC Development of SOPs for Tsunamis Generated by Non-seismic and Complex Sources
6- OPENING DAY 2 Brief Summary of Day 1
8 Country NTWC and EMA (national and local if any) SOP Presentations
9 Sharing Experiences, Lessons Learned and References for SOPs
9.1 SOP Development/experience in the Indian Ocean
9.2 SOP Development/experience in the Caribbean
10 Group work/hands on activities
11 Group discussions
12 Closing