Intersessional Meeting of Working Group 2 on Tsunami Detection, Warning and Dissemination

05 - 06 April 2023, no location specified or online event

Annotated Agenda

1. Opening
1.1 Welcome
1.2 Opening Remarks
1.3 Review and Adoption of Agenda
1.4 WG-2 Terms of Reference and Membership
2. Reports and Updates on Activities
2.1 UN Ocean Decade
2.2 TOWS TTTWO Report - Feb 2023
2.3 TSP Reports on Service Updates
2.4 TSP Performance against KPIs for 2022/23
2.5 IOTWMS Communication Tests 2022/23
2.6 IOWave20 Results
2.7 UNESCAP NWIO Project
2.8 Status IOTWMS Monitoring Networks
2.9 Capacity Assessment
3. WG-2 Work Programme
4. Discussion
4.1 IOTWMS Service Definition
4.2 IOTWMS User Guide
4.3 NAVAREA bulletin implementation
4.4 IOTWMS Contact database annual surveys
4.5 Next SOP Training Workshop
4.6 Event scenario for IOWAVE23 Exercise
4.7 Non-Seismic tsunami and Complex Sources
4.8 CAP NTWCs implementation guideline and TSP Public Bulletin
4.9 Fax Dissemination
4.10 Other Business
5. Review of Recommendations and Actions
6. Summary and Closing