ITIC Training Programme—Hawaii (ITP-HAWAII) on Tsunami Early Warning Systems and the PTWC Enhanced Products, Tsunami Evacuation Planning and UNESCO IOC Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme, Honolulu

07 - 18 August 2023,

United States

Annotated Agenda

1 Opening, Course Overview
1.1 Opening Welcome and Self-introductions
1.2 Programme Logistics – Health and Safety, IRC Building and Foreign Visitor Rules, Local Transportation, Coffee/Tea/Lunch Breaks, Information Technology Support
1.3 Course Overview, Manual, Materials, including Awareness and TW Tools
2 Tsunami Early Warning, Country Presentations, IOC Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems
2.1 Responding Rapidly and Effectively: Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response Requirements
2.2 Country Presentations
2.3 UNESCO IOC Global Tsunami System: Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS); Roles of Tsunami National Contacts, Regional Tsunami Service Providers and Tsunami Information Centers, Tsunami Warning Focal Points, National Tsunami Warning Centers
3 Earthquake and Tsunami Science, ITIC and PTWC visit
3.1 What earthquake science you need to know to warn for and respond to tsunami warnings? Earthquake Seismology - what, where, how, when, and damage caused
3.2 What tsunami science you need to know to warn for and respond to tsunami warnings? Tsunami generation, propagation, and inundation - what, where, how, when, and damage caused
3.3 ITIC and PTWC visit - overview
4 Tsunami Hazard Assessment - Hawaii example, Tsunami-resistant Building Design,
4.1 Tsunami Warning and Mitigation Systems – Hawaii example
4.2 Tsunami Hazard Risk Assessment: Modeling and Mapping of Tsunami for Inundation and Land Evacuation - Hawaii example
4.3 Tsunami Hazard Risk Assessment: Modeling and Mapping of Tsunami for Port and Harbor Planning and Response - Hawaii example
4.4 Mitigation: Ports and Harbors, and Marine Sector Readiness
4.5 Tsunami Mitigation: Designing buildings to withstand tsunamis - FEMA P646 docs, ASCE 7 2016 and International Building Code 2018. Tsunami Design Zone Maps and Vertical Evacuation - Hawaii example
5 Tsunami Warning Center and Emergency Response (TWC/TER) and Lessons Learned, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
5.1 Tsunami Warning Center Overview: What do Tsunami Warning Centers (TWCs) do? What do TWCs provide to Tsunami Emergency Response (TER) agencies? Challenges in Detection and Tsunami Threat Assessment
5.2 Tsunami Emergency Response Overview: What do TER agencies provide to the Public? Challenges in Alerting, Evacuation, Safe-to-Return (All-Clear), and Preparedness
5.3 Lessons Learned from Past Tsunamis – Warning and Response (Hawaii 1946, 1986, 1994; Chile 1960; Papua New Guinea 1998; Japan 1983/1993; Nicaragua 1992 / Java 2006 / Mentawai 2010; Sumatra 2004; Tonga 2006; American Samoa/Samoa/Tonga 2009; Chile 2010; Japan 2011; Bengkulu 2012; Haida Gwaii 2012; Kaikoura NZ 2016, Palu and Anak Krakatau 2018, Tonga 2022)
5.4 IOC TWC and TER SOP Manual, End-to-end Tsunami Warning – Stakeholder and their needs, Roles and Responsibilities, Standard Operating Procedures, and their linkages (IOC MG 76)
5.5 SOPs and Checklists: TWC Templates and examples for Distant, Regional, and Local Tsunamis: Monitoring, Detection and Evaluation, Communications, Message Dissemination (IOC MG 76)
6.1 Pacific Tsunami Warning Center: Crisis Event SOPs: Earthquake and Sea Level Monitoring (Data networks and acquisition, qualitycontrol/ health status), Earthquake Analysis Methods, Threat Analysis, Forecasting, Products, Dissemination
6.2 Pacific Tsunami Warning Center: Routine Operations SOPs: Quality Control and redundancy, contingency and backup (PTWC Operations, Systems and Procedures Manual)
7 PTWC SOPs, TWC Topics - Earthquake Source Characterization, PTWC visit, Tsunami Warning Decision Support Tools, TWC Topics - Sea Level and Tsunami Monitoring
7.1 TWC Operations: Real-time Earthquake Detection and Fast Source Characterization, Methods and Limitations: Locating Earthquakes (seismometers, seismic stations, sparse networks and hypocentral bias, etc)
7.2 TWC Operations: Real-time Earthquake Detection and Fast Source Characterization, Methods and Limitations: Estimating Magnitudes (macroscopic intensity and instrumental)
7.3 TWC Operations: Real-time Earthquake Detection and Fast Source Characterization, Methods and Limitations: Determine Fault Mechanisms (Double-couple 1st motions to WPhase Centroid Moment Tensors)
7.4 PTWC visit, Tsunami Warning Decision Support Tools - Overview of available tools
7.5 TWC Operations: Sea Level Monitoring - Methods, Instruments, Limitations, Challenges, UH Sea Level Center, Sea Level Station Instrumentation - 'show-and-tell'
8 PTWC Enhanced Products, Travel time and Wave Amplitude Forecasting, NTWC and TER Guidance
8.1 Pacific Tsunami Warning Center Enhanced Products - Why, What, Criteria, Staging of Products; Explanation of Each Product: Public Text, Graphical Deep-Ocean Tsunami Amplitude, Coastal Tsunami Amplitude, Coastal Tsunami Amplitude Polygons, Tsunami Amplitude Statistics, Coastal Tsunami Amplitude KMZ file (video and discussion)
8.2 PTWC Operations: Travel Time Forecasting – Methods, Limitations, Uncertainty, Sensitivity Studies (Location, Depth, Magnitude)
8.3 PTWC Operations: Wave Amplitude Forecasting – Methods (ATFM, SIFT, RIFT), Limitations, Uncertainty, Sensitivity Studies (Location, Depth, Magnitude)
8.4 NTWC and TER Guidance on how to use PTWC Enhanced Products for National Warnings and Evacuation - Land and Marine Threats and Public Safety: Flow Charts, Criteria Tables, Timeline-driven SOPs, Message Templates (IOC MG 76)
9 Hawaii State Emergency Management Agency visit
9.1 Visit Hawaii State Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA): Response to PTWC Tsunami Products, Hawaii Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Siren System, Preparedness and Mitigation
10 Week 2 Planning, TWC Free Choice (SOPs, Tsunami Warning Decision Support Tools, PTWC software demo)
10.1 Week 2 activities – Using QGIS to create Evacuation Map
10.2 Review & improve your Review & improve your Country TWC SOP / Checklists. 1-to-1 or small group discussion and question-and-answer on your SOPs. Reference for Day 9 Exercise Hawaii Wave 2023; Install and use Tsunami Warning Decision-Support Tools (CISN, Tide Tool, TTT), Tsunami Coastal Assessment Tool (TsuCAT); PTWC Demonstration. PTWC Operational Tools (SIFT, RIFT, Wphs CMT)
11 City and County of Honolulu, Dept of Emergency Management visit
11.1 Visit Honolulu Department of Emergency Management (DEM): County Response to PTWC Tsunami Products, Tsunami Evacuation (vertical), Alert Dissemination / Siren System, Signage, Preparedness and Mitigation, including Tourist and Special needs population readiness
12 NTWC Competencies, Tsunami Emergency Response (TER) SOPs, Communications, Local Source SOP
12.1 NTWC Competencies (draft approved at ICG/PTWS-XXVIII, 2019)
12.2 SOPs and Checklists: TER operations - Example Warning Plans for Coordination of Information Flow and Evacuation (IOC MG 76). Private Sector SOPs. Developing timeline-driven SOPs (Who does What, and When (Roles and Responsibilities)?)
12.3 Emergency communications - Robustness, reliability, redundancy. Technologies for the downstream transmission of warnings to communities. Case Study: Palu, Indonesia tsunami, 2018
12.4 Local-Source Tsunami Response Best Practice (approved at ICG/PTWS-XXVIII, 2019)
13 UNESCO IOC Tsunami Ready, QGIS
13.1 Implementing Tsunami Ready programs to recognize community readiness - UNESCO IOC Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme - Guidelines, Recognition Process (IOC MG 74)
13.2 Improving Response and Managing (reliable and unreliable) Information Flow during an Event: Media and Social Media - Good Practices
13.3 Learning Activity: Improving Response – Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response - What happens during an event?
13.4 Building Awareness and Community Preparedness - Tsunami Evacuation Planning - considerations and requirements. Preparing for Community Tsunami Evacuations: from inundation to evacuation maps, response plans and exercises (IOC MG 82)
14 Hazard Assessment, Evacuation Maps, Tsunami Ready board game,
14.1 TR ASSESS-1: Tsunami Hazard Risk Assessment - Data Requirements, Methods, Techniques. Case Study - Using ComMIT / MOST tsunami model for hazard assessment
14.10 Team Sharing: Creating Public Awareness poster
14.11 TR PREP5: Building Awareness and Community Preparedness - Tsunami Exercises and Drills, IOC Community Tsunami Exercise Guideline (IOC MG 86), examples
14.12 Tsunami Ready board game - instruction and playing
14.2 Hazard Assessment - IOC Regional Efforts on Tsunami Seismic Sources - Caribbean, Central America, South China Sea, Southwest Pacific meeting outcomes, and upcoming plans for Colombia and Ecuador and other locations
14.3 TR PREP-1: Making Community-based Evacuation Maps, Routes, and Signage - guidance
14.4 Create Community Evacuation Map - Caribbean and Pacific examples, 'paper and pencil'
14.5 Evacuation maps when inundation modeling is not possible or practical – Case Study - Caribbean example
14.6 Create Community Evacuation Map, including routes, signage – Caribbean and Pacific examples QGIS Instructions
14.7 TR RESP-1 and PREP-5: Making Community Response Plans and Conducting Drills - guidance, how-to, and templates
14.8 TR PREP-3 and PREP-4: Building Awareness and Community Preparedness - strategies and examples, World Tsunami Awareness Day, Caribbean PAE Strategy and Philippines Development Process, ITIC available materials, Hawaii examples
14.9 TR PREP-3: Creating Public Awareness Material, including evacuation (poster, presentation, video, etc)
15 Exercise Hawaii Wave 2023 (EHW-23)
15.1 Exercise Hawaii Wave 2023 (EHW-23) – Decision-making using PTWC Enhanced Products. EXPLAN: Introduction, Format, Conduct
15.2 EHW-23 Tsunami Exercise Preparation – "Country" TWC / TER SOPs, Criteria Tables, Response Plans, Alerting, Media, Evacuation, Cancellation, etc
15.3 EHW-23 Tsunami Exercise – Setup and last instruction
15.4 EHW-23 Tsunami Exercise – Decision-making using PTWC Enhanced Products
15.5 EHW-23 Post-Exercise Evaluation – Preparation for Press Conference
15.6 EHW-23 Tsunami Exercise Hotwash – Press Conference: "Country" brief followed by "Media" / Audience Question-and-Answer
16 Emerging Technologies
16.1 Improving Tsunami Warning - Emerging Techniques and Technologies: Earthquake Finite Fault Modeling, PTWC real-time GNSS/GPS detection of co-seismic deformation
16.2 Improving Tsunami Warning - Emerging Tools and Technologies: ITU/WMO/IOC SMART Cables for Observing the Ocean
16.3 UN Decade for Ocean Science for Sustainable Development - Tsunamis
17 Logistics wrap-up
17.1 ITP-Hawaii 2023 Logistics wrap-up
18 Summary and Next Steps
18.1 2023-2024 Calendar: ICG and TOWS WG Action Items and Priorities
18.2 Summary Discussion (Way Forward, Next Steps, Gaps and Needs): UNESCO IOC Tsunami Ready, World Tsunami Awareness Day, UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
19 Presentation of Certificates and Closing Ceremony