TOWS-WG Task Team on Tsunami Watch Operations

19 - 20 February 2024,

Aoba 468-1-E301, Aramaki, Aoba-ku

Annotated Agenda

1 Welcome & Introductions
2 Session Organisation
3 Wave Exercises and Significant Tsunami Events in each ICG (share outcomes, lessons learned, and coordination on exercise surveys)
4 Planning for Ocean Decade • Ocean Decade: Safe Ocean (Resilient Communities Actions) • Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme • Actioning 10-Year Research and Development Implementation Plan for the ODTP • Report of last Science Committee Meeting • Update on Tsunami Ready Coalition • Roles for TT TWO and TT DMP
5 Local Source SOPs
6 Update on PTWS NTWC Competency Framework and Development of Global Framework
7 Tsunami Glossary Update
10 IUGG update
11 Update UN Sec General “Early Warnings For All” Initiative
12 Public Warning Systems - Galileo Emergency Warning Satellite Service (EWSS): report on demonstration and latest developments
13 Planning for WTAD 2024
14 Update on Planning for the next Global Tsunami Symposium in Indonesia in November 2024
15 Session Organisation
16 Discuss Outcomes of the joint Meeting with TT DMP
17 Review Action Items
18. Tsunami Watch Operations status and plans in all ICGs, (15 mins each ICG max)
19 Updates to Area of Coverage and ESZ Maps of the ICGs
20 Update Products for Maritime Community
21 Optimal Seismic and Sea level Monitoring Networks
22 Discussion on SOPs for Tsunamis Generated by Volcanoes and Meteo- tsunamis
23 Support for Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme Research & Development Implementation Plan
24 Develop TT TWO Work Plan