Solomon Islands Tsunami Ready Workshop

30 - 31 July 2024,

Solomon Islands

Annotated Agenda

1 Opening, Workshop Overview
1.1 Opening Ceremony
1.2 Logistics and Administrative Items, OceanExpert registration, Introductions
1.3 Workshop Overview
2 Solomon Islands Tsunami Hazard and Response
2.1 Solomon Islands Tsunami Hazards, Tsunami Warning Arrangements
2.2 Solomon Islands Disaster Response (Tsunami) Arrangements
2.3 Solomon Islands Tsunami Ready - progress to date (as of May 2024)
3 UNESCO/IOC Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme
3.1 What is the UNESCO IOC Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme?
3.2 Assessment Indicators - Community Tsunami Hazard Map
3.3 Preparedness Indicators - Community Evacuation Map, Outreach and Public Awareness, Exercise
3.4 Response Indicators - Warning and Response Plans and Community Capacity, Receiving and Disseminating Alerts
3.5 How does a community become Tsunami Ready? Implementation Workflow
3.6 Tsunami Ready Application Form
4 Define National Programme - structure and composition: National Tsunami Ready Board (NTRB), Tsunami Technical Working Group
4.1 Solomon Islands National Tsunami Ready Board (NTRB) - structure and composition
4.2 Define Level of Implementation - structure and composition: Communities, Tsunami Ready Local Committees (TRLC)
4.3 Solomon Islands Tsunami Ready Recognition Communities, 2024-2025
4.4 Solomon Islands Tsunami Ready Recognition Action Plan, 2024-2025
4.5 TR Community Implementation - Support Worksheet
4.6 TR Community Support Worksheet - report-back
5 Summary and Next Steps
6 Closing Ceremony