Sheraton Jakarta Soekarna Hatta Airport Hotel
1 | Opening |
2 | Organisation of the Session |
2.1 | Adoption of Agenda |
2.2 | Designation of Rapporteur |
2.3 | Conduct of the Session |
2.4 | Establishment of Sessional Committees |
3 | Reports on Intersessional Activities |
3.1 | ICG Chair's Report |
3.2 | IOC Secretariat Report |
3.3 | Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre Report |
3.4 | TOWS Working Group Report |
3.5 | Update on UN Ocean Decade |
3.6 | Status of Progress in Other ICGs |
3.7 | Reports from UN and Non-UN Organisations |
3.8 | UNESCAP NWIO Project Status Report |
4 | Reports on Earthquake and Tsunami Events during Intersessional Period |
5 | IOTWMS Tsunami Service Provider (IOTWMS-TSP) Reports |
5.1 | TSP Australia |
5.2 | TSP India |
5.3 | TSP Indonesia |
6 | Special Session on Outcomes from 2nd UNESCO-IOC Global Tsunami Symposium: |
7 | Task Team Report |
7.1 | Indian Ocean Wave 2023 (IOWave23) |
8 | Working Group Progress Reports |
8.1 | Working Group 1 on Tsunami Risk, Community Awareness and Preparedness |
8.2 | Working Group 2 on Tsunami Detection, Warning and Dissemination |
8.3 | Working Group 3 on Tsunami Ready Implementation |
8.4 | Subregional Working Group for the North-West Indian Ocean |
9 | Policy Matters |
9.1 | Capacity Assessment of Tsunami Preparedness in the Indian Ocean |
9.2 | UN Ocean Decade Tsunami Programme (ODTP) |
9.3 | Exercise Indian Ocean IOWave 2025 (IOWave2025) |
9.4 | IOTWMS Governance and Structure |
9.5 | Tsunami Ready for Critical Infrastructure |
9.6 | Piloting the Implementation of ISO-22328 Guidelines for the Implementation of a Community-Based Tsunami Early Warning System |
10 | IOTWMS Documentation |
10.1 | IOTWMS Status Report |
10.2 | IOTWMS Medium Term Strategy |
10.3 | Update to the Definition of Services Provided by the IOTWMS Tsunami Service Providers |
10.4 | Update to the National Tsunami Warning Centre User's Guide |
10.5 | Report of Exercise Indian Ocean Wave 23 (IOWave23) |
11 | Reports from Sessional Committees |
12 | Programme and Budget |
13 | Election of Officers |
14 | Working Group and Task Team Membership |
15 | Next Session |
15.1 | Confirmation of Date and Venue for ICG/IOTWMS-XV |
15.2 | Target Date and Venue for ICG/IOTWMS-XVI |
16 | Other Business |
17 | Adoption of Decisions and Recommendations |
18 | Closure |