Deep ocean observing strategy workshop

30 March - 01 April 2011,

1 rue Miollis
75015 Paris

Annotated Agenda

1 Opening
2 Participant extended introductions
3 The rationale for deep ocean observations
3.1 Observed deep ocean changes and climate
3.2 Circulation and variability of the deep ocean
3.3 The rationale for carbon and biogeochemical observations
3.4 Deep ocean biology - what we learned from the Census of Marine Life
3.5 Discussion
4 Programme Summaries
4.1 Argo
4.10 Synthesis efforts
4.2 GO-SHIP repeat hydrography
4.3 International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project IOCCP
4.4 OceanSITES time series stations
4.5 Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) including RAPID-WATCH
4.6 South Atlantic MOC (SAMOC)
4.7 SOOS Southern Ocean Observing System
4.8 EuroSites
4.9 An overview of Japanese deep ocean observing efforts
5 A common statement of requirements and first strategy
5.1 Plenary discussion
5.2 Breakout groups
5.3 Reports back and further discussion
6 Roll-out strategy
7 Closing