Mauritius Oceanography Institute4th Floor, France Centre Victoria Avenue
Quatre Bornes
0 | Day 1 08:30 - 09:00<span style='font-weight:normal'>: REGISTRATION: Coffee </span> |
1 | Day 1 09:00 - 10:30<span style='font-weight:normal'>: WELCOME GREETING AND OPENING REMARKS</span> |
1.1 | KEYNOTE ADDRESS: MOI’s Activities and Incoming Operational Services Using Earth Observations for Marine Applications |
1.2 | Regional Environmental Science and Technology Symposium Opening Address: Social & Economic Relevance of Regional Ocean S&T: GEF/UNDP Agulhas Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystem Program ASCLME |
2 | Day 1 11:00 - 15:30<span style='font-weight:normal'>: SYMPOSIUM: The State of Western Indian Ocean Environmental Science and Technology</span> |
2.1 | RESEARCH<span style='font-weight:normal'>: The Agulhas System and its Role in Ocean Circulation and Climate</span> |
2.2 | MODELLING<span style='font-weight:normal'>: An Overview of Ocean and Coupled Models</span> |
2.3 | OBSERVATIONS<span style='font-weight:normal'>: Overview of Regional Marine Observing Systems; including Indian Ocean Observing System, RAMA, XBT, ARGO, Drifters</span> |
2.4 | OCEAN FORECASTING<span style='font-weight:normal'>: From Ocean Observation to Applications: Update on IOGOOS Pilot Project – Modelling for Ocean Forecasting and Process Studies</span> |
2.5 | STRATEGIC APPROACH<span style='font-weight:normal'>: Benefits of Integrating Offshore and Nearshore Long-Term Ocean Observations For Sustainable National Fisheries</span> |
2.6 | CAPACITY BUILDING<span style='font-weight:normal'>: WMO Integrated Global Observing System WIGOS: Highlights of WIGOS, Connection to DBCP and How This Workshop Contributes</span> |
2.7 | NEXT GENERATION<span style='font-weight:normal'>: Developing Global Citizens and Connecting the Next Generation of International Scientists</span> |
3 | Day 1 16:00 - 17:00<span style='font-weight:normal'>: DISCUSSION: Nearshore-Offshore Ocean Observing and Community Level Applications – Launch Applications Development Team (ADT)</span> |
3.1 | <span style='font-weight:normal'>Socio-Econ Relevance: Benefits of Coastal (Nearshore) and Ocean (Offshore) Ocean Observing and Monitoring </span> |
3.2 | <span style='font-weight:normal'>ASCLME Observing and Monitoring Efforts ; 1. Offshore 2. Nearshore, Building the Nearshore-Offshore Connection</span> |
3.3 | <span style='font-weight:normal'>French Contribution to the Observation of Oceanic Processes in the Indian Ocean and Their Imprint on Ecosystems </span> |
4 | Day 1 17:00 - 17:10<span style='font-weight:normal'> Daily Wrap-up & Tomorrow’s Plans</span> |
5 | Day 2 09:00 - 09:10: DAILY PLANNING |
6 | Day 2 09:10 - 10:30: AMESD MORNING SYMPOSIUM |
6.1 | Overview of the African Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development program AMESD |
6.2 | AMESD Activities, Products & Services In the South West Indian Ocean |
6.3 | AMESD Q&A |
7 | Day 2 11:00 - 13:00 |
7.1 | EumetCast & AMESD Data and Tools |
7.2 | First Step Towards Operational Forecasting on the EEZ of Mauritius Using ROMS Model |
7.3 | Oceanographic Atlas of the South West Indian Ocean Using Model Reanalysis |
7.4 | AMESD Pilot Project in Mozambique: The Use Of Potential Fishing Zone Maps for Fisheries Management |
7.5 | Potential Synergies Between AMESD & In-Situ Regional Ocean Observations, e.g., in-situ cal/val |
8 | Day 2 13:00 - 14:30<span style='font-weight:normal'>: SPCIAL ADDRESS: NOAA’s Engagement in the Indian Ocean Region,</span> |
9 | Day 2 14:30 - 16:50 |
9.1 | Data Requirements for the Development of Coastal and Marine Atlas |
9.2 | The Agulhas Return Current Ocean Climate Station: Using Drifting and Moored Buoy Data from the Agulhas System |
9.3 | Regional Institute Operational Data Stream Requirements for Meteorological, Ocean and Climate Models |
9.4 | Predictions & Monitoring For the Indian Ocean Basin Using the NOAA NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFS) |
9.5 | The Variability of the African Climate System (VACS) Panel of CLIVAR |
10 | Day 2 16:50 - 17:00<span style='font-weight:normal'>: DAILY WRAP-UP & TOMORROW'S PLANS</span> |
11 | Day 3 09:00 - 09:10: DAILY PLANNING |
12 | Day 3 09:10 - 13:00 |
12.1 | Science and Resource Planning Meeting: Science |
12.2 | Science and Resource Planning Meeting: Resources |
13 | Day 3 14:30 - 17:30: SCOR WORKING GROUP MEETING |
13.1 | <strong>MDT Capacity Building</strong>: NCEP Climate Forecasts System (CFS) and the Global Forecasts System (GFS) |
13.2 | <strong>ODT Capacity Building</strong>: Observing network implementation and data Assembly: RAMA, XBT, Drifters, Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Project |
14 | Day 3 17:30 - 17:40<span style='font-weight:normal'>: JOINT DAILY WRAP-UP & TOMORROW'S PLANS</span> |
15 | Day 3 18:00 - 20:00<span style='font-weight:normal'>: SOCIAL EVENING AND DEPLOY “Adopt-A-Drifter” <a href=''> </a> |
16 | Day 4 08:45 - 09:00: DAILY PLANNING |
17 | Day 4 09:00-17:30: ODT and MDT |
17.1 | <strong>MDT Capacity Building</strong>: Introduction to Ocean Modeling |
17.2 | <strong>ODT Capacity Building</strong>: Remote Sensing |
17.3 | <strong>MDT Capacity Building</strong>: Operational ocean forecasting |
17.4 | <strong>ODT Capacity Building</strong>: Regional Data Networks and Accessibility |
18 | Day 4 17:30 - 17:40<span style='font-weight:normal'>: JOINT DAILY WRAP-UP & TOMORROW'S PLANS</span> |
19 | Day 5 08:45 - 09:00: DAILY PLANNING |
20 | Day 5 09:00-13:00 |
20.1 | <strong>MDT Capacity Building</strong>: Seasonal Forecasting and SINTEX-F |
20.2 | <strong>ODT Capacity Building</strong>: Integration, access to, and ecosystem/ community application of [ASCLME] ocean observing and monitoring data, information, analysis |
20.3 | A discussion on planned modeling activities in the region to result in a 3 page document of activities and key contact people |
21 | Day 5 14:30-17:30 |
21.1 | <strong>Joint Symposium Panel</strong>: Interactions Between In-Situ And Satellite Observations & Modelling For Economic Applications |
21.2 | <stron>Joint Symposium Panel</strong>-Future Plans : Coordinating Plans For The Resourcing And Development Of Regional And National Initiatives And Their Use For Policy And Decision Making |
22 | Day 5 16:30-17:30<span style='font-weight:normal'>: JOINT WORKSHOP WRAP-UP-Logistics Debrief, Lessons Learned And Recommendations For Future Regional Workshops</span> |
23 | Day 6 09:00-11:00 <span style='font-weight:normal'>: SCOR WRAP UP MEETING |