2nd DBCP Africa/Western Indian Ocean Capacity Building Workshop

02 - 07 May 2011,

Mauritius Oceanography Institute4th Floor, France Centre Victoria Avenue
Quatre Bornes

Annotated Agenda

0 Day 1 08:30 - 09:00<span style='font-weight:normal'>: REGISTRATION: Coffee </span>
1 Day 1 09:00 - 10:30<span style='font-weight:normal'>: WELCOME GREETING AND OPENING REMARKS</span>
1.1 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: MOI’s Activities and Incoming Operational Services Using Earth Observations for Marine Applications
1.2 Regional Environmental Science and Technology Symposium Opening Address: Social & Economic Relevance of Regional Ocean S&T: GEF/UNDP Agulhas Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystem Program ASCLME
2 Day 1 11:00 - 15:30<span style='font-weight:normal'>: SYMPOSIUM: The State of Western Indian Ocean Environmental Science and Technology</span>
2.1 RESEARCH<span style='font-weight:normal'>: The Agulhas System and its Role in Ocean Circulation and Climate</span>
2.2 MODELLING<span style='font-weight:normal'>: An Overview of Ocean and Coupled Models</span>
2.3 OBSERVATIONS<span style='font-weight:normal'>: Overview of Regional Marine Observing Systems; including Indian Ocean Observing System, RAMA, XBT, ARGO, Drifters</span>
2.4 OCEAN FORECASTING<span style='font-weight:normal'>: From Ocean Observation to Applications: Update on IOGOOS Pilot Project – Modelling for Ocean Forecasting and Process Studies</span>
2.5 STRATEGIC APPROACH<span style='font-weight:normal'>: Benefits of Integrating Offshore and Nearshore Long-Term Ocean Observations For Sustainable National Fisheries</span>
2.6 CAPACITY BUILDING<span style='font-weight:normal'>: WMO Integrated Global Observing System WIGOS: Highlights of WIGOS, Connection to DBCP and How This Workshop Contributes</span>
2.7 NEXT GENERATION<span style='font-weight:normal'>: Developing Global Citizens and Connecting the Next Generation of International Scientists</span>
3 Day 1 16:00 - 17:00<span style='font-weight:normal'>: DISCUSSION: Nearshore-Offshore Ocean Observing and Community Level Applications – Launch Applications Development Team (ADT)</span>
3.1 <span style='font-weight:normal'>Socio-Econ Relevance: Benefits of Coastal (Nearshore) and Ocean (Offshore) Ocean Observing and Monitoring </span>
3.2 <span style='font-weight:normal'>ASCLME Observing and Monitoring Efforts ; 1. Offshore 2. Nearshore, Building the Nearshore-Offshore Connection</span>
3.3 <span style='font-weight:normal'>French Contribution to the Observation of Oceanic Processes in the Indian Ocean and Their Imprint on Ecosystems </span>
4 Day 1 17:00 - 17:10<span style='font-weight:normal'> Daily Wrap-up & Tomorrow’s Plans</span>
5 Day 2 09:00 - 09:10: DAILY PLANNING
6 Day 2 09:10 - 10:30: AMESD MORNING SYMPOSIUM
6.1 Overview of the African Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development program AMESD
6.2 AMESD Activities, Products & Services In the South West Indian Ocean
7 Day 2 11:00 - 13:00
7.1 EumetCast & AMESD Data and Tools
7.2 First Step Towards Operational Forecasting on the EEZ of Mauritius Using ROMS Model
7.3 Oceanographic Atlas of the South West Indian Ocean Using Model Reanalysis
7.4 AMESD Pilot Project in Mozambique: The Use Of Potential Fishing Zone Maps for Fisheries Management
7.5 Potential Synergies Between AMESD & In-Situ Regional Ocean Observations, e.g., in-situ cal/val
8 Day 2 13:00 - 14:30<span style='font-weight:normal'>: SPCIAL ADDRESS: NOAA’s Engagement in the Indian Ocean Region,</span>
9 Day 2 14:30 - 16:50
9.1 Data Requirements for the Development of Coastal and Marine Atlas
9.2 The Agulhas Return Current Ocean Climate Station: Using Drifting and Moored Buoy Data from the Agulhas System
9.3 Regional Institute Operational Data Stream Requirements for Meteorological, Ocean and Climate Models
9.4 Predictions & Monitoring For the Indian Ocean Basin Using the NOAA NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFS)
9.5 The Variability of the African Climate System (VACS) Panel of CLIVAR
10 Day 2 16:50 - 17:00<span style='font-weight:normal'>: DAILY WRAP-UP & TOMORROW'S PLANS</span>
11 Day 3 09:00 - 09:10: DAILY PLANNING
12 Day 3 09:10 - 13:00
12.1 Science and Resource Planning Meeting: Science
12.2 Science and Resource Planning Meeting: Resources
13 Day 3 14:30 - 17:30: SCOR WORKING GROUP MEETING
13.1 <strong>MDT Capacity Building</strong>: NCEP Climate Forecasts System (CFS) and the Global Forecasts System (GFS)
13.2 <strong>ODT Capacity Building</strong>: Observing network implementation and data Assembly: RAMA, XBT, Drifters, Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Project
14 Day 3 17:30 - 17:40<span style='font-weight:normal'>: JOINT DAILY WRAP-UP & TOMORROW'S PLANS</span>
15 Day 3 18:00 - 20:00<span style='font-weight:normal'>: SOCIAL EVENING AND DEPLOY “Adopt-A-Drifter” <a href='http://www.adp.noaa.gov/'> www.adp.noaa.gov </a>
16 Day 4 08:45 - 09:00: DAILY PLANNING
17 Day 4 09:00-17:30: ODT and MDT
17.1 <strong>MDT Capacity Building</strong>: Introduction to Ocean Modeling
17.2 <strong>ODT Capacity Building</strong>: Remote Sensing
17.3 <strong>MDT Capacity Building</strong>: Operational ocean forecasting
17.4 <strong>ODT Capacity Building</strong>: Regional Data Networks and Accessibility
18 Day 4 17:30 - 17:40<span style='font-weight:normal'>: JOINT DAILY WRAP-UP & TOMORROW'S PLANS</span>
19 Day 5 08:45 - 09:00: DAILY PLANNING
20 Day 5 09:00-13:00
20.1 <strong>MDT Capacity Building</strong>: Seasonal Forecasting and SINTEX-F
20.2 <strong>ODT Capacity Building</strong>: Integration, access to, and ecosystem/ community application of [ASCLME] ocean observing and monitoring data, information, analysis
20.3 A discussion on planned modeling activities in the region to result in a 3 page document of activities and key contact people
21 Day 5 14:30-17:30
21.1 <strong>Joint Symposium Panel</strong>: Interactions Between In-Situ And Satellite Observations & Modelling For Economic Applications
21.2 <stron>Joint Symposium Panel</strong>-Future Plans : Coordinating Plans For The Resourcing And Development Of Regional And National Initiatives And Their Use For Policy And Decision Making
22 Day 5 16:30-17:30<span style='font-weight:normal'>: JOINT WORKSHOP WRAP-UP-Logistics Debrief, Lessons Learned And Recommendations For Future Regional Workshops</span>
23 Day 6 09:00-11:00 <span style='font-weight:normal'>: SCOR WRAP UP MEETING