World Meteorological Organization
7bis, avenue de la Paix
Case Postale 2300
1211 Geneva
1.1 | Opening of the Workshop and frame setting presentations |
1.2 | Welcome. WMO Deputy Secretary General Jeremiah Lengoasa |
1.3 | Invited lecture by DNV President Tor Svensen |
1.4 | Invited lecture by the Chairman of the IACS SG/CSR Kirsi Tikka |
1.5 | Invited lecture by Head of WMO Marine Meteorology and Ocean Affairs Division Edgard Cabrera 'WMO interactions on Ocean Matters” |
2 | SESSION 1: Perspectives of the project “Extreme Seas” |
2.1 | Incentive of research on rogue waves and ship design by the ES SAP Chairman, the former President of JCOMM, Dr Johannes Guddal |
2.2 | Introduction by EC 7FP Officer: “EU-Building an Innovation Union: Innovation Union to Turn the Tide” |
2.3 | Presentation of the EXTREME SEAS project by the ES Coordination. Dr. Elzbieta Maria Bitner-Gregersen (DNV) |
2.4 | WP 1 “Modeling of propagation of extreme waves” by Prof. Carlos Guedes Soares |
2.5 | WP 2 “Probabilistic description of waves for design” by Dr. Elzbieta Maria Bitner-Gregersen |
2.6 | WP 3 “Long term trends and warning criteria” by Dr. Anne Karin Magnusson |
2.7 | WP 4 “Numerical tools for ships in extreme seas” by Mr. Jens Block Helmers |
2.8 | WP 5 “Model tests” by Dr. Adolfo Maron |
2.9 | WP 6 “Probability response based design methods and tools” by Prof. Carlos Guedes Soares |
2.10 | WP 7 “Implementation in Design Rules and Regulations” by Mr. Helge Rathje |
2.11 | WP 8 “Dissemination of results” by Mr. Thomas Reinert (MW) |
3 | SESSION 2: WMO Improving Wave Observations Monitoring and Services |
3.1 | “Views on a future cooperation between naval architects and wave data provision” by Dr. Jean Bidlot, ECMWF/JCOMM |
3.2 | Invited lecture by Mr.Val Swail, Chairman of the JCOMM Expert Team on waves and storm surges: “State-of-art of wave modelling and hindcasting” |
3.3 | “Routine and future observations from ships” by Mr. Graeme Ball and Ms. Julie Fletcher, JCOMM |
3.4 | “The JCOMM OPS, in service to data users” by Dr. Mattieu Belboech, JCOMM |
3.5 | Introduction by Dr. Anne Karin Magnusson, Presentation by artist Dr Janette Kerr RWA: “Extremes and Instabilities: A Dialogue Between Artist, Place and Meeting” |
4 | SESSION 3: Views of Academia on extreme waves and load and response calculations of ship structures and ship design |
4.1 | Invited lecture “State-of art in modeling and research on rogue waves” by the senior researcher, the member of ISSC 2012 SC, Mr. Michel Olagnon, Ifremer |
4.2 | Invited lecture “Non-linear Ocean waves and the inverse scattering transform” by Prof. Al Osborne, UNITO |
4.3 | Invited lecture “Rogue Waves in Shallow Water” by Prof. Efim Pelinovsky/Dr. Ira Didenkulova, IAP RAS |
4.4 | Invited lecture “Impact of Extreme Seas on Design and Operation” by Prof. Günther Clauss, TUB. |
5 | SESSION 4: Risk based management practices in the shipping community. invited ship owners, ship yards, insurance etc. |
5.1 | Invited lecture by Mr. Andrew Paul, EU Projects Manager/Senior Risk Analyst of Carnival |
5.2 | Invited lecture by the ship owner, Technical Director of Grimaldi |
5.3 | Invited lecture 'Risk-based methods in shipping industry' by Mr. Peter Securius Head of Department Strategic Research at Germanischer Lloyd SE |
5.4 | “Design wave conditions in shallow water for nautical applications' by Dr. Martijn de Jong, Deltares |
5.5 | Invited lecture by Mr. Simon Stonehouse, Marine Hull Class Underwriter, Brit Insurance |
6 | SESSION 5: Breakout groups with defined proposals to bridge gaps. |
6.1 | Is Extreme Seas on the right track towards ‘implementation in rules/regulation’? Group Chairman: Mr. Rathje, GL |
6.2 | How can Designers and WMO observation programmes sustain cooperation? Group Chairman: Mr. Val Swail, WMO |