Joint WMO-IACS/IMO Conference on Extreme Seas

03 - 06 October 2011,

World Meteorological Organization
7bis, avenue de la Paix
Case Postale 2300

1211 Geneva

Annotated Agenda

1.1 Opening of the Workshop and frame setting presentations
1.2 Welcome. WMO Deputy Secretary General Jeremiah Lengoasa
1.3 Invited lecture by DNV President Tor Svensen
1.4 Invited lecture by the Chairman of the IACS SG/CSR Kirsi Tikka
1.5 Invited lecture by Head of WMO Marine Meteorology and Ocean Affairs Division Edgard Cabrera 'WMO interactions on Ocean Matters”
2 SESSION 1: Perspectives of the project “Extreme Seas”
2.1 Incentive of research on rogue waves and ship design by the ES SAP Chairman, the former President of JCOMM, Dr Johannes Guddal
2.2 Introduction by EC 7FP Officer: “EU-Building an Innovation Union: Innovation Union to Turn the Tide”
2.3 Presentation of the EXTREME SEAS project by the ES Coordination. Dr. Elzbieta Maria Bitner-Gregersen (DNV)
2.4 WP 1 “Modeling of propagation of extreme waves” by Prof. Carlos Guedes Soares
2.5 WP 2 “Probabilistic description of waves for design” by Dr. Elzbieta Maria Bitner-Gregersen
2.6 WP 3 “Long term trends and warning criteria” by Dr. Anne Karin Magnusson
2.7 WP 4 “Numerical tools for ships in extreme seas” by Mr. Jens Block Helmers
2.8 WP 5 “Model tests” by Dr. Adolfo Maron
2.9 WP 6 “Probability response based design methods and tools” by Prof. Carlos Guedes Soares
2.10 WP 7 “Implementation in Design Rules and Regulations” by Mr. Helge Rathje
2.11 WP 8 “Dissemination of results” by Mr. Thomas Reinert (MW)
3 SESSION 2: WMO Improving Wave Observations Monitoring and Services
3.1 “Views on a future cooperation between naval architects and wave data provision” by Dr. Jean Bidlot, ECMWF/JCOMM
3.2 Invited lecture by Mr.Val Swail, Chairman of the JCOMM Expert Team on waves and storm surges: “State-of-art of wave modelling and hindcasting”
3.3 “Routine and future observations from ships” by Mr. Graeme Ball and Ms. Julie Fletcher, JCOMM
3.4 “The JCOMM OPS, in service to data users” by Dr. Mattieu Belboech, JCOMM
3.5 Introduction by Dr. Anne Karin Magnusson, Presentation by artist Dr Janette Kerr RWA: “Extremes and Instabilities: A Dialogue Between Artist, Place and Meeting”
4 SESSION 3: Views of Academia on extreme waves and load and response calculations of ship structures and ship design
4.1 Invited lecture “State-of art in modeling and research on rogue waves” by the senior researcher, the member of ISSC 2012 SC, Mr. Michel Olagnon, Ifremer
4.2 Invited lecture “Non-linear Ocean waves and the inverse scattering transform” by Prof. Al Osborne, UNITO
4.3 Invited lecture “Rogue Waves in Shallow Water” by Prof. Efim Pelinovsky/Dr. Ira Didenkulova, IAP RAS
4.4 Invited lecture “Impact of Extreme Seas on Design and Operation” by Prof. Günther Clauss, TUB.
5 SESSION 4: Risk based management practices in the shipping community. invited ship owners, ship yards, insurance etc.
5.1 Invited lecture by Mr. Andrew Paul, EU Projects Manager/Senior Risk Analyst of Carnival
5.2 Invited lecture by the ship owner, Technical Director of Grimaldi
5.3 Invited lecture 'Risk-based methods in shipping industry' by Mr. Peter Securius Head of Department Strategic Research at Germanischer Lloyd SE
5.4 “Design wave conditions in shallow water for nautical applications' by Dr. Martijn de Jong, Deltares
5.5 Invited lecture by Mr. Simon Stonehouse, Marine Hull Class Underwriter, Brit Insurance
6 SESSION 5: Breakout groups with defined proposals to bridge gaps.
6.1 Is Extreme Seas on the right track towards ‘implementation in rules/regulation’? Group Chairman: Mr. Rathje, GL
6.2 How can Designers and WMO observation programmes sustain cooperation? Group Chairman: Mr. Val Swail, WMO