Recent Publications

Publications about GOOS from the GOOS community
1 GOOS-299 : GOOS 13th Session of the Steering Committee (SC-13) Report (06/01/2025)
2 GOOS-288 : Dialogues with Industry: Synthesis Report (10/07/2023)
<p>This document provides a synthesis of the content...
3 1st Report of the Tropical Pacific Observing System, TPOS 2020 Project (30/12/2016)
4 GOOS-215 : 1st Report of the Tropical Pacific Observing System, TPOS 2020 Project (30/12/2016)
5 Deep Ocean Observing Strategy - A Global Ocean Observing System Project Report (20/03/2014)
The objective of this report is to develop a statement...
6 GOOS-195 : First Meeting of the Global Ocean Observing System Steering Committee (GOOS SC-1) (11/12/2012)
An <a href=";task=viewDocumentRecord&amp;docID=9226%E2%8C%A9=en">executive...
7 GOOS-196 : Summary Report of the sixth Expert Workshop of IOC/WESTPAC SEAGOOS Pilot Project on Monsoon Onset and its Social &amp; Ecosystem Impact (MOMSEI-VI) (27/10/2012)
8 GOOS-190 : The International Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater - 2010: A scientific summary for policy makers (29/06/2011)
An approachable summary of the TEOS-10, with history,...
9 GOOS News (11/04/2011)
GOOS Newsletter, 1 April 2011
10 Why Monitor the Arctic Ocean: Services to society from a sustaned ocean observing system (08/11/2010)
The case for an Arctic Ocean Observing System is made...
11 GOOS Gorick Poster Explained (14/05/2010)
<img style="float:left;margin:5px;" src=""...
12 The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) - A Summary for Policy Makers (13/11/2009)
What is oceanography and what is a sustained long-term...
13 Filling the Gaps in GOOS (07/11/2008)
14 Economics of Australia's sustained ocean observation system, benefits and rationale for public funding (02/10/2008)
15 Sustained Arctic Observations: A Legacy of the Polar Year (26/09/2008)
16 The Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS) (09/09/2008)
17 Progress made by the Joint WMO-IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (09/09/2008)
18 Scientific and technical support for coastal hazard forecasting systems: JCOMM symposium on storm surges (09/09/2008)
19 Status and Progress of the International Polar Year (01/09/2008)
20 The Global Sea Level Observing System (08/08/2008)
21 The Group on Earth Observations - Ministerial Summit (08/08/2008)
22 Slow but steady progress in open-ocean observations as the issue of climate change climbs the political ladder (08/08/2008)
23 Sustaining an Arctic Ocean observing system as a legacy of the International Polar Year (08/08/2008)
24 Argo: Global ocean observing array reaches milestone and faces challenges (08/08/2008)
25 Overview of 2007 - Ocean observations and services (15/07/2008)
26 Real-time Coastal Observing Systems for Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Harmful Agal Blooms: Theory, Instrumentation and Modelling (10/07/2008)
27 Implementing the Global Ocean Observing System (18/04/2008)
28 The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) (17/04/2008)
Hydro International, April 2008, Pg 32-33.
29 Why GLOBEC Scientists and Fishermen both Benefit from the Global Ocean Observing System (19/03/2008)
30 Arctic Sea Ice a Record Low (02/01/2008)
Summer sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk to a record...
31 Ocean Observing Flotilla Hits 3000 Mark (02/01/2008)
Seven years after the launch of the first robotic Argo...
32 The Green Ocean - Observations of Marine Biodiversity (28/11/2007)
A chapter from The Full Picture, published for the...
33 Why the World needs a Global Ocean Observing System (28/11/2007)
A Chapter of The Full Picture, published for the GEO...
34 TheBlue Planet - Observations of the Global Ocean (28/11/2007)
A Chapter of The Full Picture, published for the GEO...
35 Observing the polar oceans during the International Polar Year and beyond (07/11/2007)
WMO Bulletin 56 (4) October 2007 pp271-284
36 Observing the Polar Oceans during the International Polar Year and Beyond (31/10/2007)
37 Why the World needs a Global Ocean Observing System (29/10/2007)
But could GOOS be in danger of being a patchwork rather...
38 Taking the Pulse of the Oceans (11/01/2007)
Editorial published in Science on 15 December 2006. It...
39 Watching Over the World's Oceans (03/03/2005)
<img src="images/stories/watchingnature.jpg" align=left...
40 The Global Ocean Observing System (01/03/2005)
IGBP: Global Change Newsletter No. 61 March 2005
41 GOOS-202 : Sixteenth Session of the GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate
42 Provisional Time Table TT SC Meeting