IOC Basic Texts

Statutes, rules, regulations, manuals for the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
IOC/INF-785 IOC Manual (01/03/1989)
IOC/INF-1433 IOC Capacity Development Strategy (2023–2030) (05/06/2024)
<p>Adopted by Decision A-32/4.3 of the IOC Assembly...
IOC/INF-1412 IOC Medium-term Strategy, 2022-2029 (29/04/2022)
IOC/INF-1369 IOC Financial Regulations (22/07/2019)
Applicable to the Special Account for the Intergovernmental...
IOC/INF-1332 IOC Capacity Development Strategy, 2015-2021 (05/01/2016)
IOC/INF-1322 Rev. Update on the Status of IOC Subsidiary Bodies, 2015 (13/07/2022)
<p>GLOSS-GE sheet updated in June 2022.</p>
IOC/INF-1316Rev Consultation for the appointment of the Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO: process for the establishment of a short list of applicants for submission to the Director-General of UNESCO (21/03/2023)
IOC/INF-1315 Add. Draft Resolution Submission Form (IOC) (18/05/2022)
IOC/INF-1315 Revised Guidelines for the Preparation and Consideration of Draft Resolutions (18/05/2022)
<p>Adopted by decision IOC-XXVII/Dec.6.4 of the Assembly...
IOC/INF-1166Rev., Appendix I, Annex III IOC Nomination Form for membership to the IOC Executive Council (11/01/2024)
<p>Form to be filled out and submitted to IOC Secretariat...
IOC/INF-1166Rev., Appendix I, Annex II IOC Executive Council Nomination Form for Vice-chairpersonship (11/01/2024)
<p>Form to be filled out and submitted to IOC Sectretariat...
IOC/INF-1166Rev., Appendix I, Annex I IOC Executive Council Nomination Form for Chairpersonship (11/01/2024)
<p>Form to be filled out and submitted to IOC Sectretariat...
IOC/INF-1166Rev., Appendix I Technical arrangements for the elections of Officers of the Commission and other members of the Executive Council (2001) (21/05/2024)
<p>This text constitutes Appendix 1 of the IOC Rules...
IOC/INF-1166Rev, Appendix V Responsibilities of the Officers of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (guidelines) (21/01/2025)
<p>The Guidelines on the Responsibilities of the Officers...
IOC/INF-1166Rev, Appendix IV Guidelines on the working methods for online sessions (18/01/2024)
<p>These guidelines constitute Annex IV of the IOC...
IOC/INF-1166Rev IOC Rules of Procedure (2023) (22/05/2024)
IOC/INF-1148 IOC Statutes (01/07/2000)
Electoral groups Groupings of IOC Member States for the purpose of the election to the Executive Council (18/10/2023)
<p>As of 28 June 2023 (150 Member States), there are...
CL-2634 Request for update of national representations to the IOC: designation of the national coordinating body for liaison with the Commission (02/09/2016)
Member States to review their national representation...
Draft Resolution Submission Form (IOC) (29/06/2018)