
First Consultative Meetinig of the IOC/IODE Strategy Group of Experts

Author(s) IOC for UNESCO
Summary At the IODE-XV Meeting in Athens, January/February 1996 members agreed that there was a need for IODE to broaden its focus in addition to supporting its traditional customer base. To that end it was agreed that a group comprising of representatives from major international programs with marine related activities and funding agencies working in the marine area meet to consider a way of capitalising on mutual strengths and existing synergies as well as identifying new opportunities. Mr Searle considered part of the Strategy Group’s challenge was to identify and build bridges to the isolated “islands of data and information” which currently exist in many marine organisations and between global programs.
Doc Type Information Document
Status Published on 20 Jul 2000
This document is in the list(s): IODE Books and Information Documents

Group(s): IODE
Created at 11:54 on 20 Jun 2007 by Annelies Groen
Updated at 09:17 on 22 Aug 2008 by Annelies Groen