COAST-MAP-IO Kick-off Meeting Report

Author(s) Berque
Summary Report of the Kick-off Meeting held 24-26 October in Bangkok, including updated workplan, criteria and guidelines for selection of trainees, national coordination mechanisms, participants list.
Doc Type Report
Status Published on 16 Nov 2007
Keywords Tsunami COAST-MAP-IO innundation mapping emergency hazard
This document is in the list(s): IOC Capacity Building
This document is used in the event(s): Training course on GIS and inundation mapping
COAST-MAP-IO Multibeam training, National Hydrographic School, Goa
COAST-MAP-IO Kick-off Meeting

Group(s): IOC Capacity Development
Created at 12:10 on 16 Nov 2007
Updated at 12:12 on 16 Nov 2007