Concept Note SOP Workshop NWIO Member States of IOTWMS, August 2023

Author(s) Rick Bailey, Ardito Kodijat, Nora Gale, Harald Spahn

North-Western Indian Ocean Member States Training Workshop:

Review Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Tsunami Service Provider (TSP) Products in Preparation for Exercise IOWave23

Doc Type Information Document
Status Published
Keywords tsunami, SOP, Exercise, NTWC, DMO, IOTWMS
This document is used in the event(s): ICG/IOTWMS Exercise Indian Ocean Wave 2023 (IOWave23)
Intersessional Meeting of Working Group 3 on Tsunami Ready Implementation

Created at 11:18 on 31 Jul 2023 by Rick Bailey
Updated at 11:18 on 31 Jul 2023 by Rick Bailey