
Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (PTWS) Exercise Pacific Wave 2024 (PacWave24), September–November 2024, including live Tsunami Service Provider Communication Test on 5 November 2024 at 0000 UTC

Author(s) IOC Tsunami Resilience Section
PTWS Member States should choose to participate in all applicable modes of exercise outlined below:
(i) One Live Communication Test from the PTWS TSPs to PTWS Member States on 5 of November 2024 at 0000UTC; 
(ii) One NAVAREA Live Communication Test from PTWC to the NAVAREA Coordinators referred above through concerned NTWCs, or in the absence of an NTWC, upon request to the PTWS Technical Secretary, directly to the NAVAREA Coordinator, on 5 of November 2024 at 0100 UTC
(iii) A national exercise from September to November 2024; and/or 
(iv) A regional exercise involving neighbouring Member States within a region, such as within the PTWS Regional Working Groups where applicable, with a common scenario.
Doc Type Letter
Status Published on 31 May 2024

English only. 

This document is in the list(s): IOC Circular Letters

Created at 12:19 on 31 May 2024 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 12:19 on 31 May 2024 by Patrice Boned