Programa del XII Curso COI-AECID-IEO: “Programas de Seguimiento de Biotoxinas Marinas segun la Reglamentacion Europea.

Author(s) M. Lion
Summary Agenda of the XII IOC-AECID-IEO Training Course: Monitoring programs for biotoxins according to European regulations, organized by the IOC-IEO SCCHA, at the Centro Oceanografico de Vigo - IEO, in Vigo, Spain.
Doc Type Other
Status Published on 24 Jun 2011
Notes Training course designed for Latin American and African university graduates having experience in the analysis of marine biotoxins, which are responsible for starting the regional or national monitoring programs or for strengthening the existing ones.
Keywords Monitoring, Biotoxins, European Regulations.
This document is in the list(s): IOC-IEO Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae - Vigo, Spain
This document is used in the event(s): XII Curso COI-AECID-IEO: Monitoring programs for marine biotoxins according to European regulations

Group(s): HAB
Created at 15:30 on 23 Dec 2011 by Monica LION
Updated at 16:00 on 23 Dec 2011 by Monica LION