
Displaying 33581 – 33590 results of 34428.

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ID Title Date Doclist(s)
933 First ODINAFRICA-III Training Course in Marine Data Management, Ostend, Belgium, April 11 – 29, 2005 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
932 First ODINCINDIO Training Course in Ocean Data Management, Ostend, Belgium, October 10-21, 2005 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
931 Second ODINCARSA Training Course in Marine Data Management, Cartagena, Colombia, 13-17 October, 2003 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
930 Final ODINAFRICA II Training Course in Marine Data Management, Brussels, Belgium, 1-5 September 2003 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
929 ODINAFRICA II Training Course in Marine Data Management for Mozambique, Maputo, Mozambique, 11-22 August 2003 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
928 ODINAFRICA II Combined Madagascar Marine Atlas Workshop and Remedial Training Course in Marine Data Management for Comores, Tulear, Madagascar, 30 June – 11 July 2003 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
927 ODINAFRICA II Remedial Training Course in Marine Data Management (Data Short Course), Accra, Ghana, 14-18 April 2003 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
926 IODE Training Course in Ocean Data Management for the Caspian and Black Sea Regions, Tehran, I.R. Iran, 20-30 October, 2002 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
925 First ODINCARSA Training Course in Marine Information Management, Mazatlan, Mexico, 29 September – 4 October 2002 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
924 Second ODINAFRICA-II Training Course in Marine Data Management, Tunis, Tunisia, April 29 – May 10, 2002 07/06/2007 IODE Training Course Reports
ID Title Date Doclist(s)