Job Type
Natural Resource Management
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
I work on Tropical Atlantic fisheries socio-ecosystems
organisation, functioning and governance mainly on West African
continental shelf and trough the impact of key stressors as overfishing,
marine pollution, climate change.
Patrice Brehmer is a behavioural fisheries ecologist with a background in
fisheries and fisheries acoustics. His research focus on the effect of anthropized factor on
behavioural response and adaptation of exploited aggregative pelagic
fish in a wide range of ecosystems, trough cooperation with marine and
freshwater scientists worldwide which allow him gained experience and
knowledge on pelagic fish school behaviour. Approach by direct in situ
observation and principally by under water acoustics measurements.
Fisheries research: Use and application of methods for a rational aquatic ecosystem management. Impact of fish behaviour on assessment methods.