Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
Marine Biotechnology
Marine Products
The ecology of the deep-ocean seabed including local, regional and global biodiversity, long-term change in deep-sea communities, echinoderm taxonomy, continental slope megafauna, bentho-pelagic coupling, seasonality in the deep-sea, abundance and biomass of deep-sea megabenthos, geographic and bathymetric zonation of deep-sea fauna, abyssal plains, continental slopes, canyons, seamounts, cold-water corals, non-hydrothermal vent mid-ocean ridge benthic invertebrates, life-history strategies, deep-sea in situ experimentation, natural biotechnological and biomedicine products, the application of deep-sea science to industry and international policy needs (International Seabed Authority).
36 years experience of research in the deep ocean at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. >50 research cruises including Principal Scientist. 7 years as Head of External Affairs, NOC, coordinating external income for all oceanographic disciplines. Co-Chair Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems Group. Head of DEEPSEAS Group. International Scientific Steering Committees for abyssal plain and continental margin research in the Census of Marine Life (2000-2010)> Member of the Legal and Technical Commission, International Seabed Authority (2007-2017).