University Assistent with 17 years of academic experience in the Science
Faculty, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, department of Biological Sciences. I am a head of the Ecology unity since 2006.
Teach General Ecology for the courses at Biological Sciences department,
since 2001-until the date. Supports teaching on subjects of, Plant Ecology, and
Anthropologic Ecology at the department of Biological Sciences, Science Faculty, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane.
Teach General Ecology on the Environmental
Education course at Education Faculty, 2011-2012, course of Environmental
engineering at Engineering Faculty .since 2011 until the date
I am Ecologist
with an interdisciplinary background in the field of environment.
research interests include ecosystems services and participatory approaches to coastal
and marine environmental management and Planning.
I worked with interdisciplinary
international teams in different projects related to coastal management. 2014-2016 “ Ecosystems Services and Poverty
Alleviation Project” , as a field coordinator of household survey in northern
of Mozambique, Cabo Delgado (Pemba, Palma and Vamizi Island) Sweeden and UK
Founded Project.
2010-2012 ,“Floods and cyclones over Save River estuary, its Impact to
peoples livelihoods dependent communities, and their adaptive capacity Wio
regional Project. Field coordinator of household survey in Centre of Mozambique, Govuro at Save
River Estuary (WIOMSA) founded project.