Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
Ecological research on cetaceans with emphasis of baleen whales - rorquals in particular. Specialty, the blue whale. Photo-identification, biopsy darting for genetic and toxic analysis, satellite and radio tracking, and acoustics are all techniques employed by our team to study the ecology of the fin, humpback, minke, right, and blue whales.
Region of Study
Eastern Canadian Waters, Gulf Of St. Lawrence, Sea Of Cortez, Azores, Iceland
Marine mammal research including, photo-ID, biopsy darting, satellite tagging, VHF tagging,whale disentanglement,acoustics, ocean health index consult.
Independent non-governmental research institution, founded in 1979 housing one of the largest, long-term data bases for baleen whales in existence
First long-term study of blue whales.