Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Marine Biotechnology, Marine Products
Laboratory of Ecology and Molecular Biology in Algae,
- Research and field assistant for the FONDECYT REGULAR
1170881 project “Integral impact assessment of heavy metals and organic toxic
compounds: effects on the development, growth, and ecosystem function of marine
algae”. Led by Dr. Loretto Contreras-Porcia.
- Dissertation researcher under the investigation
project CORFO-IFAN 16PTECAI-66648-P19: IFAN technological consortium, Synergic
development of functional ingredients and natural additives.
Marine Biologist from Andrés Bello University, with
experience in ecology, applied phycology, biotechnology and molecular biology
in algae. With an interest in developing academic research in subjects linked
to enhance photosynthesis in algae or the use of omic´s or synthetic biology approaches
to produce high-value bioactive compounds with potential uses in the food,
pharmaceutical and industrial biotechnology sectors. With professional interest
in developing a career in applied phycology and biotechnology in algae research.
Additionally, interested in the algae-based
industrial biotechnology sector.