Job Type
Institutional Management
Decision Making & Policy
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Marine and Coastal Engineering
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
Research Support Services
Sustainable Ocean Governance, Ocean Policy, Ocean Literacy
Sea regions of study
South Pacific Ocean
Southern Ocean
Linked to the ocean
since entering the Chilean Naval Academy at 14 years old. Specialist in Marine Engineering and Mechanical Engineering and sub-specialist in Deep Diving and Salvage. Master degree in Naval and Maritime Sciences with a major in Management and Logistics.
Post title studies with a diploma in Management and Maintenance Systems at Universities of Manchester and Swansea, United Kingdom, and postgraduate studies with a
diploma in Governmental Resources Management from the Naval Postgraduate School
in Monterrey, California, USA. Professor on maritime and logistic disciplines
at the Naval Academy, the Naval Polytechnical School, the Naval War College and
the National Academy for Political and Strategic Studies. Member of 3 Board of
Directors of different companies: ASMAR, Chilean Shipyards; SOCIBER,
Iberoamerican Repairs Society and; SISDEF, Engineering and Integration Systems.
Before leaving active service in the Navy as Rear Admiral on January 2009,
lasts professional experiences where: Deputy Chief of the Chilean Naval Mission
in London and Adjunct Naval Attaché to the United Kingdom, Deputy Director of
the General Logistic Directorate, Director of the Naval Systems and Engineering
Directorate and Director CEO of Chilean Navy Shipyards ASMAR. Has participated in
collaborative and teamwork efforts in different international organizations
dedicated to maritime field and ocean
engineering, among others: a)The Lloyd's Register Ship Naval Technical
Committee, international technical group responsible of harmonizing maritime
commercial regulations with naval technical regulations (2001-2006); b)The
Pan-American Institute of Naval Engineering, a non-profit civil society
dedicated to stimulate the development of marine engineering and maritime transport in the
American Region, becoming Vice president and President on 2007 and 2008
respectively; and c)The Memorandum of
Understanding on Port State Control in the Asia-Pacific Region,
inter-governmental and co-operative organization which promotes the effective
implementation and universal application of relevant IMO/ILO instruments on
ships operating in the Asia Pacific Region, becoming Vice President and President of its Committee
from 2013 to the end 2018 respectively. Since 2019, and the preceding years some professional
activities included maritime, logistic and technical collaboration activities,
leading different courses, audits, conferences and consultancies in diverse
countries as Mexico, Marshall Island, Panamá, Colombia, Argentina and Canada,
in addition of having participated in Port State Control meetings and
committees in more than 20 countries of Asia Pacific and Latin America Regions.
As independent Maritime and Logistic Consultant during the last years has
participated as speaker on the following international conferences: a)“Panama Maritime
World Conference 2019” in Panama City on march 2019 with theme “Technological
Challenges: Artificial Intelligence and its impact on logistic, port and
shipping”; b)“World Maritime Day Parallel Event” in Colombia on September 2019
with theme “Sustainable Development Goals, related with the Ocean Governance
from Maritime Perspective”; c)Video Conference to magister course of the
University Institute of Prefectura Nacional Argentina on May 2020 with the theme "Exploring Maritime
Governance and the sustainable use of our oceans”, d) Fifth International Marine Protected Areas Congress, IMPAC 5, on February 2023, in the side event Ocean Literacy Dialogues-Ocean Literacy al a Policy Tool, with the theme "Ocean Literacy Strategy proposed for Chile: An example of Ocean Literacy as a Public Policy", and e) Future Congress 2025, Chile, in the panel organized by UNESCO: "Protecting our oceans: fostering action to promote sustainable development". Recently he has published papers related
with Ocean Policy and Ocean Literacy implementation in Chile inside the Ocean Decade framework,(only in Spanish
today): a) Contributing to a Sustainable Ocean Governance in Chile by the
implementation of our National Ocean Policy, June 2020; b)Ocean Literacy
for Chile. A Proposal, July 2020; c)Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development 2021-2030: An
opportunity for the social and economic development of Chile, June 2021; d) Ocean Literacy Strategy and Action Plan for Chile, January 2022; and e)Transforming Ocean Commitments into Tangible and Measurable Actions, January 2023.Since July 2023 was elected as President of the Ocean Literacy Working Group of the National Oceanographic Committee of Chile.