Job Type
Data Management
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
My main research line has
been focused on the ecology of macroalgal and seagrasses communities in estuarine and rocky
shores ecosystems and their effects on the ecosystem functioning (i.e. primary production, nutrient cycling).
Currently, I am a post-doctoral
researcher and participant in the Brazilian Long Term Ecological Research Programme in the Patos Lagoon estuary and the adjacent marine coast in southern Brazil (BR-LTER, Site 8). The BR-LTER is a long-term monitoring program that provides information on the ecology of this subtropical
coastal system for the detection of long-term changes induced by natural and human-related factors. I have been investigating phase-shifts of the submerged aquatic vegetation in shallow areas of the Patos Lagoon estuary in order to understand the environmental drivers acting at distinct timescales and how shifts from seagrasses meadows to macroalgal blooms dominated-states may affect the nutrient balance and carbon stocks within estuarine ecosystems. Since the BR-LTER is based on a large dataset composed of estuarine biotic and abiotic data that has been obtained since 1997, I am also in charge of the organization, management and publication of the BR-LTER datasets in national and international repositories such as Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS).
I have also been involved in national monitoring and research programmes such as the Brazilian Network for Monitoring Coastal Benthic Habitats (REBENTOS; submerged aquatic vegetation group) and the Brazilian Network for Climate Changes research (Rede Clima; coastal zones group).
Throughout my carreer as marine researcher, I have worked with theoretical and marine ecology and I have a large experience in field work in subtidal (certified advanced diver) and intertidal rocky shores, estuarine mud flats, saltmarshes and seagrass meadows. I have also been trained for macroalgal taxonomy in tropical and subtropical areas.
I am familiar with experimental/sampling design planning and univariate and multivariate statistical methods for ecological data analysis. I have also focused on elemental and isotopic analysis in plants tissue and sediments to the study of estuarine biogeochemistry, which include training for collection and preparation of samples for isotopic and elemental analyses, and for the use of isotopic mixing models such as MixSiar. Recently, I have also improved my skills in ecological datasets management and publication in international repositories using the Darwin Core standards.
Working language(s)
Portuguese English Spanish
As part of my activities as postdoc researcher in my department, I have offered courses on the ecology of Coastal Vegetation Communities and Data management and publication to undergraduate (BachelorĀ“s degree in Biology) and graduate (master and doctorade degrees in Biological Oceanography graduation program) students, respectively.