SOOP Implementation Panel (SOOPIP)

Terms of Reference
(As approved by JCOMM-5, on the basis of excerpt of annex to Resolution 12.2/2 (JCOMM-5))

The Ship-of-Opportunity Implementation Panel (SOOPIP) coordinates the installation and deployment of instrumentation from Ships of Opportunity that travel in fixed transects, and in particular coordinates the implementation of regional and basin-wide instrumentation that measure physical, chemical and biological parameters, such as XBTs, TSGs, and CPR. Its terms of reference are to:

(a) Implement, maintain, and monitor specialized shipboard instrumentation and observing practices relevant to the SOOPIP;

(b) Coordinate the exchange of recommended practices, and technical and developmental information about oceanographic instrumentation relevant to the SOOPIP;

(c) Ensure the distribution of available programme resources to ships to meet the recommended sampling network in the most efficient way;

(d) Ensure the transmission of SOOP data to the GTS and relevant data centres is are carried out according to operational and scientific requirements;

(e) Provide guidance and assistance to the SOT chairperson and SOT Technical Coordinator to produce, appropriate inventories, monitoring reports and analyses, performance indicators, implementation plans and information exchange facilities;

(f) Where relevant, serve as a platform for other observational programmes;

(g) Maintain close communications with the scientific community and periodically meet and discuss ongoing research performed with observations relevant to SOOPIP.

Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName
Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName