Task Team on High-Resolution Marine Meteorology (TT-HRMM)

(Terms of Reference as decided by SOT-9)

The Task Team shall:

1. Review existing requirements (including WMO Rolling Review of Requirements, and other satellite data requirements not covered by WMO Application Areas) for marine meteorological observations sampled at sub-hourly intervals (defined as high-resolution; HR).
2. Develop new requirements for HR marine meteorology in coordination with the ETMC and relevant operational and research communities.
3. Identify andrecommend requirements for sampling rates, data formats, data averaging, minimum metadata, calibration, etc. using existing standards (e.g. WIGOS) whenever possible for AWS on VOS to collect HR marine meteorological observations.
4. Define processes to collect HR marine meteorological data on AWS, from vessels with  an initial focus on delayed-mode data acquisition, and recommend potential data assembly centers to receive and distribute these observations in a timely manner. The team will consider real-time acquisition and dessemination if required in the future.

5. Discuss technical implications of recommendations for HRMM using AWS on VOS and assess their impact on operators and user communities.

Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName
Name Group Role Country (worklocation) FirstName