OceanExpert ID : 12472

Station de Recherche Halieutique et Océanographique de Limbé

(Fisheries and Oceanography Research Station Limbé)


Batoke, P.O. Box 77




The Fisheries and Oceanography Research Station situated in Limbé (balnear city at about 100 km from Douala the economic capital of Cameroon) was created by the presidential decree N° 06/050 of 12 March 1996 and result of the merging of two former institutes : Institute of Agronomic Research (IRA) and Institute of Zootechnical and Veterinary Research (IRZV).


  • Evaluation of fisheries resources and follow up of their exploitation.
  • Study of the functioning of marine and littoral ecosystems.
  • Survey of the quality and health of the marine environment.
  • Fishing techniques and valorization of aquatic products.
  • Evaluation of the aquacultural potentials of the national coastline.
  • Valorization of research programs, able to  contributie to the developiment of aquaculture in Cameroon.

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Chiambeng YONGBI
Chief of Station

Created: 2010-04-09 by Wouter Rommens | Last Updated: 2017-09-28 by Mark Van Crombrugge