OceanExpert ID : 13061
Regional Organisation for the Protection of the Marine Environment.
(Regional Organisation for the Protection of the Marine Environment.)
P.O.BOX 26388
13124 Safat
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+965 25312140-3
+965 25324172
The eight coastal States of the Region (Bahrain, I.R. Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) have been aware for a number of years of the vital necessity to coordinate a common action to protect the semi-enclosed sea surrounded by them.
This great concern to protect the marine environment against pollution from various sources, prompted the State of Kuwait to propose in 1973 to the United Nations Environment Programmes (UNEP) that Kuwait is desirous of hosting an inter-governmental meeting of the States of the Region in order to develop necessary measures towards the matter.
Later in 1974, the Representatives of the States of the Region, who were present at the Second Session of the UNEP Governing Council, brought to the attention of the Governing Council the interest in having UNEP associated with plans for the development of a programme to deal with environmental problems of the Region.
In 1976 the UNEP Governing Council at its Fourth Session approved the action of the Government of Kuwait in proceeding with preparatory work for convening a regional conference to protect the area in question against pollution, which may give rise to an agreement entitled: "Kuwait Regional Agreement for Cooperation on the Protection of the Marine Environment from Pollution" or such other words as may be decided upon at the time of the conference.

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