3/F ERDB Building, UPLB Forestry Campus College, Laguna 4031
Los Baños
4031 Laguna
International / Intergovernmental
+63 25844210
+63 495362865
Our Vision
An ASEAN region whose biodiversity is conserved, sustainably managed and used, and equitably shared for the well-being of its peoples.
Our Mission
To effectively facilitate regional cooperation and deliver capacity building services to the AMS in conserving biodiversity.
Our Goals
- Facilitate coordination and cooperation on regional biodiversity conservation programmes
- Deliver capacity-building services
- Develop regional mechanisms to sustainably manage and protect biodiversity and ecosystems and strengthen ASEAN regional positions in negotiations and in compliance with relevant multilateral environmental agreements
- Impart and deliver to AMS the knowledge and tools on managing biodiversity
- Enhance the linkage between science and policy on biodiversity
- Promote multi-stakeholder and leadership awareness of the values of biodiversity and the actions they can take to conserve it
- Undertake resource generation and mobilization measures for impact activities that will enhance biodiversity conservation in the region
- Enhance ACB’s capacity and sustainability as a regional centre of excellence on biodiversity

Carlos Aurelio CALLANGAN
Junior Research Associate


Pauline Carmel Joy EJE
Jr. Research Associate

Christian ELLORAN
Division Director

Roesyvette HERNANDEZ
Knowledge Management Associate