OceanExpert ID : 16194

Université de Liège

(University of Liege)


Place du 20-Août, 7
4000 Liège




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+32 4 366 21 11




The University of Liege is the only public, pluralist and complete university institution of the French Walloon-Brussels community.

It is a part of the Wallonia-Europe University Academy.

It aims at maintaining a fair balance between teaching, research and community service activities, in the broad lines recognised by its complete university status.


Fully integrated in the Bologna process aiming at establishing a large harmonised zone of higher education in Europe, Ulg welcomes 20000 students spread out over nine Faculties, one Institute and one Management School. The University offers a very large range of courses: 38 degree courses, 200 masters courses (of which 33% are unique in French-speaking Belgium) and 68 complementary masters courses. Located at the crossroads of the German and Latin cultures, with a global outlook on international aspects, the University of Liege devotes a considerable part of its teaching to foreign language classes in order to ensure that its students are citizens who are truly active on a European level. As a public university, it considers itself to be vested with a social type of educative assignment. It encourages the integration of new types of teaching (problem-solving, supervised training sessions, role-plays, ...) and the acquisition of combined skills.

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Created: 2014-06-03 by Luc Vandenbulcke | Last Updated: 2017-10-19 by Mark Van Crombrugge