110 McAllister Way
Santa Cruz, California 95060
United States
+1 831 4203900
+1 831 420 3980
NOAA Fisheries Service’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center (SWFSC) conducts cutting-edge scientific research to support the management and conservation of domestic and international living marine resources. Established in 1964 to study the sardine and tuna fisheries of the U.S. west coast, the SWFSC provides scientific information to support fisheries management and the conservation of protected species in the California Current, throughout the Pacific Ocean and in the Southern Ocean off Antarctica.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Southwest Fisheries Science Center is to generate the scientific information necessary for the conservation and management of the region’s living marine resources.
Center Overview
The SWFSC is the research arm of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service in the Southwest Region. Center scientists conduct marine biological, economic and oceanographic research, observations and monitoring of living marine resources and their environment. Center scientists also conduct research on the impacts of environmental variability and climate change on marine ecosystems and on fishery and conservation socio-economics. The ultimate goal of these scientific efforts is to ensure that the region's marine and anadromous fish, marine mammal, marine turtle, seabird, and invertebrate populations remain at sustainable and healthy levels, as functioning parts of their ecosystem and to enhance the quality of life for the public.
Responsibilities include maintaining healthy fish stocks for commercial, recreational and subsistence fishing; conserving and recovering populations of protected species; sustaining ecosystem services; and coordinating with domestic and international organizations to implement and monitor fishery agreements and treaties.