OceanExpert ID : 19166
Trung tâm Ứng phó thiên tai và biến đổi khí hậu
(Center for Disaster and Climate Change Mitigation)
271/3 An Duong Vuong Street, Ward 3, District 5, Ho Chi Minh city
Ho Chi Minh
+84 2838350850
Main activities of my institution:
1. Consulting on strategy building for water resources development in context of disaster and climate change;
2.Consulting on in water resources planning, water resources using and protecting those are considering about climate change and disaster prevent;
3. Academic researching, apply and transfer science and technology in the domains related to disaster prevent, climate change, management and exploitation of irrigation works and efficient use of water resources;
4. Create database about environment trend for research activities to disaster prevent and climate change adaptation;
5. Consulting on topics, projects related to the sea and island.