OceanExpert ID : 20248

মেরিন ফিশারিজ একাডেমি, চট্টগ্রাম

(Marine Fisheries Academy, Chattogram)


Ichanagor, Fish Harbour, Karnafully
Chattogram - 4000




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Marine Fisheries Academy was established in 1973 to produce skilled manpower for fishing fleet with the collaboration of the former Soviet Union Government. Academy started journey as a project of Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC) on 01 September 1973. Marine Fisheries Academy came under the administrative control of Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock as a project on 20 April 1988, shifted to revenue budget under the same ministry on 01 July 1993 and continuing till to date. The functional authority of the academy is vested on to the Principal who has supported by three Heads of the Department namely, Marine Fisheries, Marine Engineering and Navigation department. The Principal also supported by three assisting organs namely Academic Council, Board of Studies and Board of Discipline to run smooth training. Now, The academy provides quality maritime education in a well planned and organised manner to develop skilled human resources for commercial fishing and various maritime industries. Marine Fisheries Academy (MFA) trains both male and female cadets for the deep sea-going fishing vessels, merchant ships, fish processing plants and other maritime industries. The cadets of MFA used to be awarded with the B.Sc. certificates in Marine Fisheries, Marine Engineering and Nautical Science. Study curriculumn of Marine Fisheries Department is highly concentrated on Ocean Science and Technology in innovative ways.

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Md Mahbub ALAM
Teaching and Research

Created: 2019-07-28 by Md Mahbub Alam | Last Updated: 2020-04-02 by Arno Lambert