OceanExpert ID : 20883
Università degli Studi di Pavia Centro Interdisciplinaire di Bioacustica E Ricerche Ambientali
( University of Pavia- CIBRA Center for Bioacoustics)
Via Taramelli 24
27100 Pavia
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Bioacoustics is a branch of zoology, strictly related to ethology, that investigates sound production and reception in animals, including man. Bioacoustics also concerns the organs of hearing and the sound producing apparatus as well as the physiological and neurophysiological processes by which sounds are produced and received. Finally it attempts to understand relationships between the features of the sounds an animal produces and the nature of the environment in which they are used and the functions they are designed to serve. Its development dates effectively from about 1950, when practical recording and analyzing methods became readily available to the scientific community