Starts with:
Improve Sustainability of Mangrove Forests and Coastal Mangrove Areas in Liberia through Protection, Planning and Livelihood Creation- as a Building Block Towards Liberia’s Marine and Costal Protected Areas
Improving Coverage and Management Effectiveness of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas
Improving Mangrove Conservation across the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape (ETPS) through Coordinated Regional and National Strategy Development and Implementation
Increased Resilience and Adaptation to Adverse Impacts of Climate Change in Guinea's Vulnerable Coastal Zones
Increasing Representation of Effectively Managed Marine Ecosystems in the Protected Area System
Increasing Resilience of Coastal Areas and Community Settlements to Climate Change
Increasing Resilience of Ecosystems and Vulnerable Communities to CC and Anthropic Threats Through a Ridge to Reef Approach to BD Conservation and Watershed Management
IND-BD Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in the Malvan Coast, Maharashtra State
IND-BD Mainstreaming Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in the Godavari River Estuary in Andhra Pradesh State
IND-BD: GEF Coastal and Marine Program (IGCMP)