
IOCINDIO Training Workshop on Methodologies and Approaches of Coastal Vulnerability, Sea Level Rise and Advances in Operational Oceanography Science and Technology in the Indian Ocean, Hyderabad, India, 13–17 December 2021


Regional scope: IOCINDIO Member States and partner organisations in the region are invited to send detail of their representatives by 5 December 2021. MS may provide information on the status of coastal vulnerability in their country by answering a questionnaire attached also in Word format. 

Doc Type Letter
Status Published on 24 Nov 2021

English only. 

The Circular Letter contains the following documents: 1- Draft Plan of Execution including the Provisional Agenda of the workshop;  2- Working document: RCVF-Cari-Coast; 3- Registration form; 4- Questionnaire on national status regarding coastal vulnerability

This document is in the list(s): IOC Circular Letters

Created at 18:48 on 24 Nov 2021 by Patrice Boned
Updated at 18:48 on 24 Nov 2021 by Patrice Boned