Consultation on Scientific and Technical Aspects of Sustained Ocean Observations and Services with Group III
06 - 08 March 2013
Rio de Janeiro-
Organizer & Staff
By invitation only.
All national participants are encouraged to fill in the questionnaire on national sustained ocean observations and services before the meeting. The questionnaire will form an important communication tool for the workshop. The meeting will be held at Copacabana Praia Hotel, Rio de Janeiro city, Rua Francisco Octaviano 30, Copacabana ( First. DAY - 05MAR - Forum I; attend IOC Chair, former Chairs, Vice-Chair for Group III, former Vice-Chairs of group III, Chair of IOCARIBE and members of the IOCâ??s Secretariat (Albert Fischer and Tom Gross). This group will discuss the future of sustained ocean observations and services of the IOC in the region. 2nd and 3rd. DAYS - 06 E 07MAR - Forum II; in addition to the participants of the Forum I, participate representatives of the Member States of the Group III. The meeting will be conducted as a workshop for the purpose of encouraging the exchange of information related to the status of ocean observations systems in South America and the Caribbean, as well as identifying benefits to be gained from the observational programs of IOC existing ones, such as GOOS and JCOMM, with special regards to the governance model proposed by the GOOS Steering Committee (GSC) (Framework for Ocean Observing), 4th. DAY - 08MAR - Forum II - It is being planned for this day a visit (Study Tour) to an Oceanography concerned institution in Rio de Janeiro or surrounding areas. Representatives of Member States are invited to the Forum II (6-8 March).

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC/WR-254 | Consultation on Scientific and Technical Aspects of Sustained Ocean Observations and Services, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 5th March, 2013 | 20/05/2014 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC-WS-GIII-Belize | Sustained Obs Workshop Belize Report | 20/08/2013 |
IOC-WS-GIII-Brazil | Sustained Obs Workshop Brazil Report | 20/08/2013 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC/INF-1284 | A Framework for Ocean Observing | 28/02/2013 |
Decision Approved EC-XLV/Dec.4.2 | The Future Needs for Intergovernmental Coordination and Governance for Sustained Ocean Observations & Services | 28/06/2012 |
CL-2468 | Invitation to a Workshop on “The Present Status of Sustained Ocean Observations and Services in Caribbean and Latin America Countries (Group III)”, 6–8 March 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | 04/02/2013 |
IOC Member State Questionnaire The Future Needs for Intergovernmental Coordination and Governance for Sustained Ocean Observations & Services | 04/02/2013 |
IOC/WR-250 | The Future of IOC toward next 10 years and its implication for Member States, Varna, Bulgaria, 19 March 2012 | 23/05/2014 |
IOC/INF-1291 | Technical Report on Scoping of Operational Oceanography | 13/06/2012 |
[View a printable participants list]
Name | Country |
VALLADARES Javier | Argentina |
SARAIVA NOGUEIRA Frederico | Brazil |
REYNA MORENO Julian | Ecuador |
GAVIDIA MEDINA Francisco | El Salvador |
BYUN Sang-Kyung | Republic of Korea |
FISCHER Albert | Switzerland |
Name | Country |
LUCERO Erica S. | Argentina |
ARENDS Lisandro | Aruba |
ROWE Antonio | Barbados |
GONGUEZ Dennis | Belize |
TROTTE-DUHÁ Janice | Brazil |
GIACOMMAZZI Flavio | Brazil |
LIZANO RODRIGUEZ Omar | Costa Rica |
ZAPATA Zoraida | Dominican Republic |
LUCERO Miriam | Ecuador |
GATICA Mario Rosales | Guatemala |
SANICHAR Gopaul | Guyana |
METAYER Gerard | Haiti |
NORMIL Frérel | Haiti |
ROJAS REYNOSA Victor Manuel | Mexico |
LUQUE Nestor | Panama |
VAREA Enrique | Peru |
AINTABLIAN Gabriel | Uruguay |
Name | Country |
CAMPOS Edmo | Brazil |
MUELBERT Jose | Brazil |
WILSON Douglas | United States of America |
Name | Country |
GROSS Thomas | United States of America |
JEON Nayon | Republic of Korea |
KIM Hyun Yeong | Republic of Korea |
KIM Kyungjin | Republic of Korea |
Name | Country |
HONG Seunghyun | Peru |
PRADO Mirtha Quispe | Peru |
SUK Bong-Chool | Peru |
ZUZUNAGA Jorge | Peru |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 35
Confirmed: 31
Not confirmed: 3
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 1
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 10:07 on 18 Jan 2013 by OceanExpert Manager
Last Updated at 12:07 on 01 Dec 2023 by Sofie de Baenst