2nd Workshop
03 - 06 December 2013
University of San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
9500 Gilman Drive
Mail Code 0214
La Jolla , CA 92093
United States
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
The second ODIP workshop will focus on the three prototype development projects that are currently being undertaken by the ODIP partners following the outcomes of the first workshop. The programme includes a dedicated session for each prototype development project which includes a short plenary to provide an overview of the prototype under development and an update of current progress / activities. This will then be followed by a discussion session which provides each group with the opportunity for face-to-face working. Please note that although each prototype has a dedicated working session after the plenary this time slot can also be used by the other prototype development groups as an additional working session. However, a number of people are participating in more than one of the prototype projects and priority should therefore be given to the designated prototype development project in each session. An additional two discussion topics are included in the meeting programme. These topics have been identified and prioritized by the ODIP project partners. An expert for each topic from the three main geographic areas (Europe, USA and Australia) has been nominated and selected in consultation with the local representative for each of the regions. Each topic has a nominated leader and a rapporteur will also be selected for each one on the first day of the workshop.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
2nd ODIP Workshop: Participants List | 02/02/2014 |
2nd ODIP Workshop Agenda and Timetable | 19/09/2014 |
2nd ODIP Workshop Complete Agenda | 19/09/2014 |
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